The president of the PP of Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, has denounced that the Municipal Commission of COVID-19 has not been convened for more than two months, despite the outbreaks that Molina de Segura is suffering. José Ángel Alfonso, has stated that it is a priority to continue working and agreeing on solutions for each and every one of the people of Moline, in order to avoid slowing down the exit from the health and economic crisis in the city. In the past Ordinary Plenary Session on May 4, at the proposal of the Popular Party, the creation of a Multidisciplinary Commission was approved in which all political groups could work together on proposals to offer solutions to the problems that it is causing in the citizens of Moline.
the crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This proposal was framed within the Popular Shock Plan that we presented in April with 75 proposals, which were structured in four main axes: the first consisted of 37 fiscal measures in order to reactivate the economy and provide more liquidity to the homes of Moline and to the industrial, commercial and hospitality fabric.
Second, 4 cleaning and disinfection measures.
Third, 23 measures in terms of social care and organization.
In fourth and last place, 11 measures where we proposed to urge the Government of Spain in those aspects that were within its competence. All of our proposals were also presented through a motion in the Ordinary Plenary in May, however, after approving the constitution of the Municipal COVID-19 Commission, it was agreed that all proposals related to the pandemic would be analyzed in said commission.
In this regard, we must mention that the most far-reaching measures proposed by the Popular Party in the Shock Plan have been rejected by the PSOE-Podemos Government Team in the Commission, especially those related to local tax cuts, as well as those that proposed a line of aid to citizens, and to the entire productive fabric of Moline, other measures were approved and to this day they still do not start, such as the weekly appearance of the mayor, to report on the actions that are being carried out relative to COVID-19,as well as the results of these measurements. The last Commission was held last Friday, June 19, therefore, more than two months have passed without a new call by the local PSOE-Podemos government, despite having left enough measures to deal with and that the crisis it keeps getting worse. It is a lack of respect and consideration for the Municipal Commission of COVID-19, the rest of the Municipal Groups and the institutions involved, that we learn from the media about the measures that the PSOE Podemos Government Team are going to implement, when What is appropriate is to inform and agree on these measures, at least, with the Municipal Commission of COVID-19, because it was created with the consensus of all groups to, specifically, eradicate the health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Then it is out of place, the call for a press conference by the mayor, Esther Clavero, together with the socialist leader of the Region of Murcia, Diego Conesa, to inform about the measures that are going to be adopted in the face of the increase in infections , without at least before,convene the Municipal Commission of COVID-19, made up of all municipal groups except for VOX, which did not want to join.
That is the mood of the mayor of Molina de Segura, ignoring the rest of the municipal groups, and ignoring a Commission created specifically to address issues on the matter.
Clavero prefers to summon the media by the hand of her political boss, instead of reaching a consensus or at least informing the representatives of the rest of the political forces and specifically the Commission created for this purpose.He prefers to summon the media by the hand of his political boss, instead of reaching a consensus or at least informing the representatives of the rest of the political forces and specifically the Commission created for this purpose.He prefers to summon the media by the hand of his political boss, instead of reaching a consensus or at least informing the representatives of the rest of the political forces and specifically the Commission created for this purpose. From the Popular Party of Molina de Segura we request that, given the gradual and incessant increase in people who have tested positive for COVID19 in our city, and with a crisis that is expected to be long and complicated, the Municipal Commission of COVID-be urgently convened.
19, to continue working on measures that help citizens in this situation, and to inform opposition political groups about the measures being carried out by the local government of PSOE-Podemos in the face of this second wave of infections.
. Finally, José Ángel Alfonso has stated that "in these difficult times for everyone, it is vital to put aside political ideals and jointly confront the health and economic crisis generated by COVID-19, since acting in another way implies slowing down the eradication of the serious situation in which we find ourselves.
I hope that sanity and common sense will soon reign on the part of the local PSOE Podemos Government Team, and among other things, it will convene the Municipal Commission COVID-19 ".
Source: PP Molina de Segura