| The detour, which is scheduled to last approximately one month, is carried out towards deceleration and acceleration lanes | The repair works that the Molina de Segura City Council is going to undertake on the slopes of Avenida de la Industria and Calle Panamá, in the "La Serreta" Industrial Park, have made it necessary to temporarily divert traffic at the height of the Crossing of the N-301 with the RM-B6 road, in order to avoid the passage of vehicles in the two lanes of the trunk of the N-301 in the direction of Albacete, since the works will be carried out along the entire width of the shoulder and right lane, something for which it is required that there is no traffic in the left lane either for safety reasons. The detour, which is scheduled to last about a month, is made towards the deceleration and acceleration lanes attached to said junction, establishing a priority for vehicles at the junction with the RM-B6 highway and the "La Serreta" industrial park roads.
They come from the trunk of the N-301, by means of the placement of vertical and horizontal STOP signs for the vehicles that circulate on the RM-B6 highway and roads of the industrial estate. The heavy torrential rains on September 12, 13 and 14, 2.019 caused landslides and erosions on the slope that supports Avenida de la Industrial (N-301) in the vicinity of the link of said road with the Industrial Park of "La Serreta "and the RM-B6 road, mainly on the right bank in the direction of Albacete, which gave rise to the appearance of fissures and recesses in the right lane in the direction of Albacete, forcing to signal it to prevent traffic from flowing through it, proceeding to repair existing cracks and potholes. After these initial repairs, the cracks and recesses reappeared in a more accentuated way, and, after some geotechnical studies, it was determined that the main cause of these recesses was a landslide of the slope, caused mainly by the erosion of the same and the accumulation moisture. In the same way, the slope that supports Panama Street to bridge the gap between said street and Uruguay Street, both located in the "La Serreta" Industrial Park, near the junction of the N-301 and the RM- Highway.
B6, also came to suffer landslides and landslides, causing the subsidence of the road and sidewalk in the lateral area closest to the slope, which forced to restrict traffic in that area. Due to the rapid evolution of the recesses and fissures observed in both cases, an emergency procedure has been processed from the town hall of Moline to undertake the repair of the two slopes, since it could lead to a situation of serious accident danger, particularly on the N-301, which supports heavy heavy vehicle traffic. In both cases, in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical studies, the unstable and deteriorated materials will be removed from the slopes and embankments, as well as the execution of a reinforced concrete wall at the foot of the slopes, which act as the foundation for each slope.
The work also includes the reconstruction of the slopes and embankments with breakwater blocks, their surface protection with gunite concrete, and the replacement of the pavements, pavements, signaling, beacons and defenses. The Local Government Board last Friday, August 14, gave the go-ahead to the award proposal for these works, to the company JT Obras Públicas y Servicios, SL for an amount of 171,801.95 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura