It is recommended to avoid using the car in the city, not to burn residues and for people with respiratory conditions to avoid prolonged exposure to outdoor areas. The Molina de Segura City Council informs the public of the adoption of preventive measures at least throughout the day today, Sunday, August 2, in application of the protocols for air pollution as the levels of particle pollution in the station have been exceeded.
measure of Alcantarilla, something that coincides with an episode of intrusion too many airs of Saharan origin that is affecting the southeast of the peninsula. The Councilor for the Environment, Mariano Vicente Albaladejo, explained that "early today (day 2), information has been received from the General Directorate for the Environment of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia about the improvement of the levels of Particulate pollution in the Alcantarilla measuring station, one of the two that record air quality in the urban agglomeration of Murcia, which includes part of our municipality.
" Yesterday's daily average at the Alcantarilla measurement station was 59 µg / m3, which means having exceeded the value of 50 µg / m3, which implies, according to RD 102/2011, the exceeding of the daily limit value on 1 occasion out of 35 times allowed per calendar year.
This supposes the registration of the Preventive Level 1 established in the Municipal Action Framework Protocol in environmental episodes of pollution of NO2 and PM10 (Nitrogen Dioxide and Particles less than 10 microns). The level of the other measuring station that records the air quality in the urban agglomeration of Murcia, the one located in the Murcian neighborhood of San Basilio, was 43µg / m3, below the threshold of 50 µg / m3. These levels of air pollution coincide with the episode of intrusion, too many airs of Saharan origin that are affecting the southeast of the peninsula.
Industrial emissions, traffic and agricultural burning also contribute to the high level of PM10 particles. For this reason, it is necessary to reduce artificial pollutant emissions and avoid risky situations through more effective preventive and corrective measures. The municipal technicians of the Environment have evaluated the most appropriate measures contemplated in the Framework Protocol for Municipal Action in environmental episodes of NO2 and PM10 contamination and have established the following as the most appropriate for Molina de Segura: Level 1 Measures (Preventive) - It is recommended to avoid using the car in the city.
As an alternative it is proposed: Use the public transport.
Both the urban bus of Molina de Segura and the interurban lines of the entire metropolitan area of ??Murcia will be free. Use parking lots to deter the city environment. -Avoid at all costs the burning of any type of waste, including pruning remains throughout the municipality. -It is recommended that people with respiratory conditions or those of greater vulnerability avoid prolonged exposure to outdoor areas, and that precautions be taken in the practice of outdoor sports.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura