| The City Council has also approved a list of invoices from the City Council for a total amount of 772,467.79 euros | The First Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held yesterday, Thursday 30 of July, electronically via videoconference and chaired by the Mayor, Esther Clavero Mira.
It has approved the award of the supply of monitoring equipment for air pollution and noise in Molina de Segura, within the framework of the Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI) "MOLINA 2020 ADVANCES WITH YOU", an action co-financed in 80% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), as well as a list of invoices from the City Council for a total amount of 772,467.79 euros. TOWN PLANNING 5 sanctioning files for urban infraction have been approved, 5 urban planning license files, the start of a subsidiary execution file and a segregation license for assignment to the City Council.
In addition, a replacement resource has been partially estimated, related to an urbanization project in La Torrealta, and a subdivision project has been approved. ESTATE Approval of the invoice list of the City Council, for the amount of 772,467.79 euros. Approval of a municipal tax payment fractionation file. HIRING Approval of refund of bail from the previous study for the revision of the General Plan of Urban Planning of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature, related to social and labor insertion of unemployed people.
The amount of the deposit, deposited in guarantee, is 1,962.81 euros. The act of restarting the improvement of paving and road safety in Calle García Lorca in the hamlet of La Torrealta is reported, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature, related to the social and labor insertion of unemployed people. Approval of the beginning of the file for the concession of the management of the service for the maintenance and operation of the municipal tourist hostel and other facilities located in the Vicente Blanes Natural Park (except the municipal pool and changing rooms).
Tender documents and a minimum annual fee of 900 euros are approved. Approval of advance payment of the contractor for damages suffered during the period from 1 to 17 May 2020 in the Service of Monitors and Lifeguards for the performance of various sports activities, scheduled by the Department of Sports and Health, incorporating conditions special execution of a social nature, relating to the social and labor insertion of young people in long-term unemployment under 35 years of age.
The winning company is UNGES.
The total compensation amounts to 9,203.45 euros. Declare the tender and the file of the file relative to the granting of authorization to install a charging point for two electric vehicles for two parking spaces, void, including special social and environmental execution conditions. Approval of compensation for damages, during the period from May 16 to 31, 2020, to the company that provides the guide-informants service and activities and promotion of the MUDEM, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature, related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation.
The established compensation is an amount of 1,552.89 euros. Approval of compensation for damages, during the month of April 2020, to the company that provides the service of guide-informants and activities and promotion of the MUDEM, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature, related to the social and labor insertion of people unemployed.
The established compensation is an amount of 2,774.96 euros. Approval of the award of the supply of monitoring equipment for air pollution and noise in Molina de Segura, incorporating environmental and social assessment criteria, framed in the Strategy for Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development (EDUSI) "MOLINA 2020 ADVANCES WITH YOU ", an action co-financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the 2014-2020 Multi-regional Operational Program of Spain.
The award is made to the commercial HOP UBIQUITOUS, SL in the amount of 54,028.92 euros. Approval of an increase in spending, in the renovation and improvement works of the service for the supply of water for human consumption and the sewerage network in the Fatima neighborhood, Farmer and adjacent streets, Alicante, Luchador and Martin L.
King, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature, related to social and labor insertion of unemployed people.
These works are financed with the supply and sanitation fee.
The company awarded the work is URDECON, SA The increase in approved spending is 62,160.13 euros, which represents 9.8% of the project. Approval of the award to the mercantile company "Arquitectura y Planteamiento Urbanístico, SLP" for the drafting of a project and study of safety and health, construction management, execution management and coordination of safety and health, corresponding to the Plaza de la Ermita complex and "Casa del barco" building, framed in the Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI) "MOLINA 2020 ADVANCES WITH YOU", an action co-financed by 80% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Program Plurirregional de España 2014-2020.
The award is made for an amount of 65,461 euros. Approval of the award, for an amount of 20,872.50 euros, to Juan Francisco Berenguer Martínez, of the management, coordination and monitoring service of the Molina de Segura Youth Plan, incorporating special conditions of social execution.
The contract lasts from its signature until December 31, 2021, with the possibility of an extension of two more years. YOUTH Approval of the bases of the Molina de Segura 2020 Young Artistic Creation Contest "CREARTE".
An expense of 10,900 euros is also approved for the prizes of this Contest. JOB Approval of resolution of subsidy liquidation and obligation to reimburse the SEF for liquidation of subsidy for training action C2017-1371 butchery and meat products elaboration.
Therefore, a refund of 2,279 euros was agreed. SOCIAL WELFARE Aceptación de una subvención de 515.547,35 euros de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia al Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura para Servicios Sociales de Atención Primaria 2020.
También se aprueba una aportación municipal para dicho fin en la cantidad de 171.848,65 euros. Aprobación de un convenio de colaboración entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y la Fundación Solidaridad y Reinserción "Proyecto Hombre Murcia" para el proyecto "Propuesta terapéutica-educativa de atención a personas con problemas de adicción.
La aportación municipal contemplada en el convenio es de 34.000 euros. VÍA PÚBLICA Aprobación de adjudicación del contrato menor de obra, consistente en una actuación puntual de mejora de cerramiento de la pista de petanca del barrio de San Miguel.
La adjudicación se ha hecho a la empresa Talleres y Construcciones Juanito S.L.
por importe de 9.655,36 euros. CULTURA Aprobación del convenio de patrocinio entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y la mercantil Estrella de Levante, fábrica de cerveza, SAU para apoyar al 51° Festival de Teatro de Molina de Segura.
La aportación del convenio es de 6.000 euros. Aprobación del convenio de patrocinio mecenazgo entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y la mercantil Auxiliar Conservera, S.A.
para apoyar al 51° Festival de Teatro de Molina de Segura.
La aportación del convenio es de 2.000 euros. Adjudicación a la empresa AVM Audiovisuales Murcia, por un importe de 6.219,40 euros, del servicio de captación, realización audiovisual, grabación y transmisión de 11 espectáculos del 51° Festival de Teatro de Molina de Segura. RECURSOS HUMANOS Aprobación de las bases específicas y convocatoria para la provisión de una plaza de técnico de inserción laboral por el sistema de concurso-oposición libre en el marco de la consolidación de empleo temporal.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura