Due to the current events that we are suffering both nationally and globally, in the health, social, labor and economic fields caused by the covid-19, we have been forced to communicate to the entire party population of Molina de Segura the following: That after the meeting held, on July 28 of this year in the town hall, the board of directors of the Moors and Christians federation of Molina de Segura, with the councilor for festivities in this municipality, Mr.
Andrés Martínez Cervantes, has taken the Sad decision to suspend the Moors and Christians 2020 festivities in the Municipality of Molina de Segura, since we have concluded that we cannot guarantee the performance of events that comply with current security measures. This is a difficult decision that we have been evaluating the FMYC for several months, in the confidence that we could have some possibility of carrying them out, but these days when the outbreaks are making the situation difficult and given the sanitary recommendations, they do not give us the total security of that could be celebrated like other years.
And above all, this federation and the city council intend to protect our festivities, the population of Molina de Segura and those who could visit us at our beloved parties. Now more than ever the FMYC we must contribute our solidarity with all our festivities, so that nobody stays on the road in this crisis, and we will return next year with more force to fill the streets of Molina de Segura de Luz, Music, Gunpowder , Color and Joy. Finally, we want to express our pain for all the victims that this pandemic is leaving us, and our encouragement to the families for all their pain. FESTERO-CULTURAL FEDERATION OF MOROS Y CRISTIANOS DE MOLINA DE SEGURA
Source: Federación festero-cultural de Moros y Cristianos