| The act of delivery of ecological products from the urban garden, located in the landscaped areas next to the Greenway, has had place today Friday July 10 | The act of delivery of horticultural products collected in the Leisure Garden of the Station of Molina de Segura to Cáritas and to the Regional Assembly of the Red Cross in the town, promoted by the Molinense City Council, in collaboration with members of the Association of Volunteers For and For Seniors and the IMAS Senior Social Center, took place today, Friday, July 10. The President of the IMAS Senior Center, Agustín Isaac López Bermúdez, several volunteers from the Association for Active and Healthy Aging, and representatives of the Spanish Red Cross, the Molina-Vega Media Regional Assembly and Cáritas attended. The urban garden, launched in the spring of 2019, is located in the landscaped areas next to the old Molina de Segura train station, following the Greenway as it passes through the Avenida de la Industria.
In the summer of 2018, through the Participatory Budgets, and with the technical help of the Department of the Environment, the landscaping works of this green artery began.
The main objective is to ensure that the group of older people put their vital project at the forefront by connecting with their environment through volunteering. As a result of these works, the area has become a transit area for citizens on their daily walks, and a meeting point for the elderly group, especially fans of petanque.
This group of older people sent to the Department of Environment the request for an urban garden integrated in said garden area, which would serve them for their activities of healthy active aging. The technical services of the Department of the Environment designed and executed an urban garden with an extension of a quarter of a tahulla (approximately 280 m²) of cultivable area, plus many others between residential and storage areas. The installation of the Department of Environment has been part of the volunteer project For and for the Elderly, carried out by the Department of Social Welfare, together with the Association for Active and Healthy Aging in Molina de Segura.
With this project several objectives are pursued: Involve the group of older people in actions of social volunteering based on active aging. Community participation, and carrying out actions in the community with volunteer older people, through the Volunteer Project for and by Seniors, to ensure that the group of senior citizens put their vital project at the forefront by connecting with their environment through the volunteering. Use the municipal space as a social garden, under ecological and traditional and collective production systems. The obtaining of horticultural products are donated to the Red Cross and Caritas. Recover and preserve the local varieties of the Huerta de Molina de Segura. Develop educational, training and outreach use. Recover the huerta perspective of Molina de Segura. The use of disused areas. The carrying out of intergenerational activities. A volunteer group, made up of 9 people over 65, altruistically and responsibly, collaborates to carry out the project. "Voluntary action explains the Councilor for Social Welfare, Ángel Navarro García- is an important part of all civilizations and societies, and, in these civilizations, older people have played a decisive role in its formation.
We are convinced that volunteering was, it is and will be a beautiful contribution of the human being to society in the form of altruism and manifest or private solidarity of young and old ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura