| It is framed within the Molina 2020 Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy Avanza Contigo | The City Council has approved a list of invoices from the City Council for a total amount of 1,023,592.17 eurosThe First Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held today, Thursday 9 July, telematically via videoconference.
In it, the proposal for the award of the contract for the drafting of the project and study of safety and health, direction of the works, direction of execution and coordination of safety and health, corresponding to the set for Plaza de la Ermita and building has been approved.
Casa del Barco, framed in the Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy, Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo, co-financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER),through the 2014-2020 Multiregional Operational Program of Spain, for an amount of 65,461 euros, as well as a list of invoices from the City Council for a total amount of 1,023,592.17 euros. TOWN PLANNING 3 urban planning license files, 1 segregation license file and 1 sanctioning file for urban infraction have been approved. ESTATE Approval of the invoice list of the City Council, amounting to 1,023,592.17 euros. HIRING Approval of the return of bail for the works of provision and improvement of sports infrastructures in Altorreal (artificial grass field) and Campotéjar Alta (adaptation of the track), incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to social and labor insertion of people in situations of long-term unemployment (Participatory Budgets 2017), to the company Jumabeda, SL, for an amount of 1,160.15 euros. Approval of the return of bail of endowment and improvement of infrastructures in various municipal parks and gardens of the municipal term of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of social execution, related to social and labor insertion of people in situation of long-term unemployment (Budgets Participativos 2017), to the company Jumabeda, SL, for an amount of 3,110.47 euros. Approval of the return of bail for actions and repairs on roads, in various areas of the municipality of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of social execution related to the social and labor insertion of people in a situation of long-term unemployment (Participatory Budgets 2017) , to the company Construcciones Manuel Noguera Gil, SL, for an amount of 5,560.29 euros. Approval of the extension of the lease contracts for premises destined to house neighborhood associations and other dependencies of the Molina de Segura City Council, including special environmental execution conditions.
Extensions of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are approved, from September 20, 2020 to August 31, 2021, awarded to: Lot 1 (local in Barrio Sana Bárbara for Neighborhood Association, in favor of Josefa Palazón Martínez ); Lot 2 (local in Barrio Centro for municipal radio station, in favor of Isabel Hernández López); Lot 3 (premises in Barrio Punta del Lugar for Neighborhood Association, in favor of Abel Marín Martínez); Lot 4 (local in Barrio del Castillo for Neighborhood Association, in favor of María del Carmen López Mondéjar); Lot 5 (local in Barrio de la Molineta for Neighborhood Association,in favor of Valentina Fernández García); and Lot 6 (premises in Calle Nueva for use by the Youth Participation Space, in favor of Joaquín Gil Contreras). Approval of the increase in spending on works to improve municipal infrastructures (actions at the municipal level), financially sustainable investments, lot 3, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the social and labor insertion of unemployed people (Participatory Budgets 2018) , for an amount of 21,478.52 euros (representing an increase of 9.10% in the award budget for the company Ecocivil Electromur GE, SL). Approval of the proposal for the award of the contracting for the drafting of the project and study of safety and health, works management, execution management and coordination of safety and health, corresponding to the complex for Plaza de la Ermita and Casa del Barco building, framed in the Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy, Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo, 80% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Multi-regional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, to the company Aras Arquitectura y SLP Urban Planning, for an amount of 65,461 euros. Approval of the advance payment to the contractor in March of the access control and cleaning service in public buildings, in municipal sports facilities, as well as in the Sánchez Cánovas, La Torrealta, San Miguel and El Llano de Molina football fields, through open procedure, and a single criterion, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion in unemployment situation, whose winner is Vectoris, SL.
The advance payment of the following damages to the contractor is agreed upon, actually suffered during the period from March 17 to March 31, 2020, in the following terms: salary expenses, 18,085.02 euros.
The amount expressed will have the quality of payment on account or compensation for damages, in accordance with the provisions of art.
4.1 of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures to face the economic and social impact of COVID-19. Approval of the advance payment to the contractor in April of the access control and cleaning service in public buildings, in municipal sports facilities, as well as in the Sánchez Cánovas, La Torrealta, San Miguel and El Llano de Molina football fields, through open procedure, and a single criterion, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion in unemployment situation, whose winner is Vectoris, SL.
The advance payment of the following damages to the contractor is agreed upon, actually suffered during the period from April 1 to 30, 2020, in the following terms: salary expenses, 35,734.11 euros.
The amount expressed will have the quality of payment on account or compensation for damages, in accordance with the provisions of art.
4.1 of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures to face the economic and social impact of COVID-19. Approval of the advance payment to the contractor in May of the access control and cleaning service in public buildings, in municipal sports facilities, as well as in the Sánchez Cánovas, La Torrealta, San Miguel and El Llano de Molina football fields, through open procedure, and a single criterion, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion in unemployment situation, whose winner is Vectoris, SL.
It is agreed to pay the contractor the following damages actually suffered during the period from May 1 to 31, 2020, in the following terms: salary expenses, 31,777.13 euros.
The amount expressed will have the quality of payment on account or compensation for damages, in accordance with the provisions of art.
4.1 of Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures to face the economic and social impact of COVID-19. Approval of the rectification of the agreement adopted in the Local Government Board dated May 28, 2020 of the certification number 1, sole, lot 5, of the improvement works and investment in educational centers, incorporating special measures of social execution related to social and labor insertion of people in unemployment situation.
The company Proyectos Y Servicios Francisco Romero, SLL must pay the sum of 11,383.58 euros. Approval of the rectification of the agreement adopted in the Local Government Board dated May 28, 2020 of the certification number 1, the only one, lot 7, of the improvement works and investment in educational centers, incorporating special measures of social execution related to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, to the company Mantenimientos Integrales Gómez, SL, for an amount of 7,865 euros. Approval of the rectification of the agreement adopted in the Local Government Board dated May 28, 2020 of the certification number 1, sole, lot 8, of the improvement works and investment in educational centers, incorporating special measures of social execution related to social and labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, company Proyectos Y Servicios Francisco Romero, SLL the sum of 4,827.08 euros. BIENESTAR SOCIAL Aprobación de gasto de 20.000 euros y convenio 2020 entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y la Fundación Pía Autónoma Carlos Soriano, para la atención integral de personas mayores en situación de vulnerabilidad social. PARTICIPACIÓN CIUDADANA Aprobación de gasto de 20.000 euros y convenio social 2020 entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y la Asociación de Vecinos Sagrado Corazón, para el desarrollo del proyecto AVESCO III Milenium.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura