From the Popular Party of Molina de Segura we denounce the maneuver that the local government team PSOE Podemos, has orchestrated to deceive, once again, the Molinense citizens, in order not to lower the salary of the municipal corporation and seek a new headline in press contrary to reality.Point one.
The question of the drop in salaries of the members of the corporation, for consistency and response to the current social reality, should have been raised at the initiative of this government team PSOE-Podemos, and not wait to be debated as a result of a motion raised by the opposition.Point two.
Once again the type of policy that this local government exercises in Molina de Segura, marked by demagoguery and lack of solidarity, is revealed.
The PSOE Podemos government team is unable to vote in favor of a motion that proposes a decrease in the remuneration of councilors; and not only are they satisfied with this, but in the plenary session where it was debated, they presented and voted an amendment to this motion to avoid lowering salaries.
In this amendment, the lowering of councilors' conditions conditions the same in the remuneration of municipal employees, when they know that their salaries are determined by the state and that for the moment they will not be reduced.
What from the local government have been eliminated,They are the rights acquired in the framework agreement and that allow some supplements to municipal employees to compensate their dedication and effort not contemplated in the base salary.We believe from the Popular Party that it is time to stop applying cuts to municipal employees, especially when an ERTE has been carried out in the midst of a pandemic and the 23 teachers of nursery schools have been dismissed, which has led to the fact that Now two union concentrations have been called in front of the consistory and more summons are scheduled to take place if there is no rectification.Nor can we forget that the municipal government has cut the agreement rights of the framework agreement and have risen from the negotiating table and that last Tuesday it announced another series of adjustments in local accounts.This local government team once again shows that we are not facing a new normality, but rather what normally happens when they have to manage a crisis: tax increases, layoffs, labor, and all this without still solving the problems of dirt and insecurity, that keep increasing.From the Popular Party we will continue working for the well-being of the citizens of Molino, for this reason we voted yes for the salaries of the corporation to be lowered to contribute to the economic reactivation of Molina de Segura.
Source: PP Molina de Segura