| The Local Police Actions Report 2019 reflects a significant increase in the interventions carried out by the Crowded, Administrative and Citizen Security units | The Mayor of the town, and the Councilor for Citizen Security have presented today, Friday, June 26, the document corresponding to last year, in which the Canine Unit was launched and five new vehicles were purchasedThe Report of Actions of the Local Police of Molina de Segura of the year 2019 has been presented at a press conference, today Friday June 26, by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the Councilor for Citizen Security and Local Police, Julia Fernández Castro, and the Chief Commissioner of the Local Police, José Pérez Almagro. At the end of 2019, the Local Police staff had 111 troops: 1 Chief Commissioner, 3 inspectors, 18 deputy inspectors, and 89 agents.
The agents' average age at that time is 44 years. Among the significant data in this report is the increase in population during 2019 of 857 inhabitants, so the total figure amounted to 75,936 inhabitants at the end of the year.
65% of the population is concentrated in the urban nucleus, while the rest is divided between urbanizations (23%), orchards (9%) and rural districts (3%).
For its part, the mobile fleet increased by 1,017 vehicles, leaving the total at 50,798 (69% of them are passenger cars, followed by motorcycles and mopeds, with 15%). From the data of this 2019 Report, the Councilor has highlighted several important points that have meant a great effort for the Molinense Consistory: Acquisition of five new vehicles. Commissioning of the Canine Unit on November 29. Collaborations in campaigns organized by the DGT and that are part of the annual collaboration that the Local Police develops: a total of 7 campaigns carried out by the agents assigned to the Traffic Unit. Specialized work in the document area, within the Traffic Unit. Significant increase that the Administrative Unit has had to make to respond to the 2,159 offices, summons and management with the Courts / Hearings / Prosecutors. Significant increase in the number of reports carried out by Breathalyzer by the Test Unit, in the last three years: from 27 reports in 2017 to 53 in 2018 and 62 in 2019, which indicates a clear vigilance and control by this unit, and the concern that these types of violators do not go unpunished, since they endanger the lives of others.
Zero tolerance with alcohol consumption behind the wheel. Surveillance of the Environment Unit in the thefts and robbery prevention campaigns in rural areas and its special vigilance in compliance with the Animal Welfare ordinance. In the Citizen Security Unit, more interventions in cases of gender violence stand out, because victims are increasingly aware and denounce their aggressors: from 20 interventions in this matter in 2018 to 35 in 2019, and in full collaboration with the National Police and the Department of Equality and Gender Violence.
From 18 arrested for gender violence in 2018 to 26 in 2019. Reports of drug use have also increased: from 74 reports in 2018 to 125 in 2019, as a result of more vigilance and the result of the Canine Unit, specialized in this type of action. Also noteworthy are the 49 cultural and festive events organized by the City Council in neighborhood, district and urbanization festivals and other specials throughout the year (not including the Patron Saint Festivities) and which the members of the Local Police cover, both for organization, regulation of traffic, security and prevention.
They occupy a large part of the functions performed by the staff. And the 35 events and acts within the Patron Saint Festival in September, which are programmed and covered from the beginning to the end by the entire staff, in a titanic effort to concentrate events on many days, to facilitate the population enjoy the traditional festivals of the city. The data relating to the instruction of the sanctioners processed from the Local Police by an administrative officer (instructor), who is in charge of the processing of all the infractions carried out by the Local, National Police and Civil Guard in Citizen Security matter Law 4/2015, of March 30, with a total of 518 files opened for this type of infractions.
In addition to other sanctioning files on Animal Welfare. The 2019 Annual Report has more than fifty pages, and will be posted on the website of the City Council, "in a further exercise in transparency of this municipal government", highlights the Mayor, Esther Clavero.
"I would like to highlight the important fact of accounting, of explaining to the citizens of Molines the work of the Local Police at their service.
Because, it is not only transparency; it is, above all, an exercise in institutional loyalty with the citizens of our municipality ". "I am convinced that this opening exercise will serve to know and bring the work of our Local Police closer to our neighbors.
I, as Mayor, want to tell my neighbors that we should be proud of the work that our Local Police performs daily.
in the exercise of the public security functions entrusted to them, as well as publicly expressing my gratitude for the implementation of new services, such as the Canine Unit, or the commendable work it carries out on social networks and the extraordinary work of communication And, of course, our appreciation for his work at DANA last September, and his performance during the state of alarm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, "concludes Clavero.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura