| The City Council also approves the granting of subsidies to sports clubs for the 2018/19 season, for a total amount of 59,999.94 euros | The First Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held today Thursday, December 18, June, by telematic means via videoconference and chaired by the Mayor, Esther Clavero Mira.
It has approved a segregation license for a 4,687.31 m² plot, located in Cañada de las Eras, for the construction of the new courthouse building in Molina de Segura, as well as the granting of subsidies to sports clubs for the 2018/2019 season, for a total amount of 59,999.94 euros. TOWN PLANNING 5 urban planning license files have been approved. Approval of the segregation license for a 4,687.31 m² plot, located in Cañada de las Eras, for the construction of the new courthouse building in Molina de Segura and surface parking for the exclusive use of officials who carry out their activity in the building. ESTATE Approval of the list of invoices on emergency COVID-19, for a liquid amount of 66,104.74 euros. Approval of the invoice list of the City Council, for a liquid amount of 95,783.59 euros HIRING Approval of the certification number 1, lot 10, of the improvement and investment works in educational centers, incorporating special social execution measures related to the social and labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Construcciones MAMCOMUR, SL, by a amount of 3,965.19 euros. Lifting of the suspension of the awarding of the service of guides-informants and activities and promotion of the Museum of the Enclave of the Wall (MUDEM), incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature, related to social and labor insertion of unemployed people.
The resumption of the contract, awarded to the company ESATUR XXI, SL, will take effect from July 1, 2020. Approval of the extension of the external prevention service contract for occupational safety specialties, industrial hygiene and ergonomics and applied psychology, incorporating special conditions of social execution, related to social and labor insertion of unemployed people.
The extension of the contract, awarded to CUALTIS, SLU, runs from June 29, 2020 to June 28, 2022. SPORT AND HEALTH Approval of the granting of subsidies to sports clubs in Molina de Segura for the 2018/2019 season, for a total amount of 59,999.94 euros. SOCIAL WELFARE Approval of spending of 20,000 euros and 2020 agreement between the City of Molina de Segura and the Shared Home Association for the development of the Collective Housing for the Elderly project. LOCAL PARTIES Approval of the specific regulatory bases of the call for subsidies for the financial year 2020 to carry out festive programs and activities in districts and urbanizations. EQUALITY It is approved to accept the direct grant of a grant, for an amount of 33,454.00 euros, from the Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Families and Social Policy for the provision of the Concilia Service consisting of the opening of schools from 7.30 to 9.00. EDUCATION Approval of the call for subsidies, for a total amount of 65,000 euros, for the promotion of extracurricular training activities in educational centers supported with public funds for the 2019/2020 academic year.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura