| The act of presentation of this initiative of the Local Public Employment Program took place today, Tuesday June 16, in the Plaza de España | The presentation ceremony of the new Ecological Brigade against Climate Change 2020, belonging to the Local Public Employment Program, took place today, Tuesday, June 16, in the Plaza de España in Molina de Segura.
The Councilor for Policies for Training and Labor Insertion of the Molinense City Council, Eliseo García Cantó, and the Councilor for the Environment, Mariano Vicente Albaladejo, attended. The Ecological Brigade against Climate Change 2020 has 9 people hired for 6 months, with a total investment in the project of 128,775.96 euros, of which 119,000 euros are subsidized by the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF), with charge to the 2019 call. The departments of Policies for Training and Labor Insertion and Environment have managed a new aid for the recovery and maintenance of the green spaces of the municipality, reinforcing employment in this area, and giving continuity to previous forest brigade projects. The main objective is to hire a group of people with the profile of forest laborers, who will work as a team under the name of Ecological Brigade against Climate Change, which will take on tasks of improvement and maintenance of municipal natural spaces and peri-urban green areas, within the environmental management programs of the Department of Environment of the City of Molina de Segura, in its fight against the effects of climate change.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura