They denounce that while other municipalities are already reopening the study classrooms, in the fourth municipality of the Region of Murcia they are still closed by the ERTE made to Sercomosa workers.Molina de Segura, June 12, 2020.- The president of New Generations of Molina de Segura, Pablo García, issued this morning a statement denouncing that the study classrooms, in Molina de Segura, still remain closed because the local government PSOE -We can "carried out an ERTE for Sercomosa workers in charge of maintaining public buildings and, therefore, study classrooms."Pablo García, has denounced that "while other municipalities have already opened the study classrooms, with the appropriate prevention measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Government of Molina de Segura continues to keep the study classrooms closed, and what it's more worrying, with no plans to open them any time soon.
" He also recalled "that we are in the time of exams, and for many people it is difficult to stay focused at home to study, since they are exposed to more distractions.
Once again, the local government shows that it is not interested in citizenship at all Molinense in general, and young people in particular.
In short, he maintains his immobility in youth policies ".The president of NN.GG of Molina de Segura explains "We are aware that the increase in social distance requires that their capacity be reduced, therefore we propose that the opening of the libraries of the different CEIPs in Molina de Segura be studied , in order not to reduce study places ".The statement concludes with reference to the fact that "During these months we are seeing how the ERTE in Sercomosa is causing the collapse in our municipality, with consequences such as the closure of social centers, the poor state of public roads and the lack of cleaning and disinfection of the entire municipal term and in public buildings.
From New Generations we demand that the Government Team reincorporate these people to the workforce, and proceed to open the study classrooms following the corresponding sanitary protocols, since it is a demand for the students and youth of Molina de Segura, who need an immediate solution given the time we are in.
Source: PP Molina de Segura