| The Department of Culture publishes the bases of the Setenil Prize | The Molina de Segura City Council, through the Department of Culture, announces the Setenil Award for the Best Book of Stories Published in Spain, which this year reaches its 17th edition in 2020, highlighting the strength of one of the most anticipated awards by the writers of stories in our country.
The state of alarm declared by the Government on the occasion of the COVID-19 pandemic has not prevented the announcement of this already veteran award, the only novelty being that the deadline for submitting books by publishers and authors, already open, is extended until July 15 inclusive. This year the jury will be chaired by the writer Lola López Mondéjar, born in Molina de Segura, a clinical psychologist, novelist and author of story books such as The silent thought of fish, Blood ties and What a wonderful world. The Setenil Prize is endowed with 10,000 euros for the winning author.
In previous editions of the Setenil they have obtained it: Alberto Méndez, Juan Pedro Aparicio, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Sergi Pàmies, Óscar Esquivias, Fernando Clemot, Francisco López Serrano, David Roas, Clara Obligado, Ignacio Ferrando, Javier Sáez de Ibarra, Emilio Gavilanes, Diego Sánchez Aguilar, Pedro Ugarte, José Ovejero and Elena Alonso Frayle. The juries have been chaired by the writers Ana María Matute, Luis Mateo Díez, Juan Manuel de Prada, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, José María Merino, Javier Tomeo, Andrés Neuman, Fernando Iwasaki, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Hipólito G.
Navarro, Juan Bonilla , Eloy Tizón, Pilar Adón, Luisgé Martín and Ángel Olgoso. The full content of the rules is set out below: Bases of the XVII Setenil 2020 Prize for the Best Book of Stories Published in Spain: In order to help reinforce the recognition of the story as a literary genre in our country, the Department of Culture of the Molina de Segura City Council announces the XVII SETENIL 2020 PRIZE, intended to reward the best book of stories published in Spain in the last year, according to the following: SPECIFIC BASES 1.
The purpose of this Call is to help strengthen the recognition of the story as a literary genre in our country, awarding the best story book published in Spain by an author of Spanish nationality between the dates of April 23, 2019 (Book Day ) and April 22, 2020, in a competitive competition regime. The Call will be published in its entirety on the Notice Board of the Town Hall, on the edictal notice board of the Municipal Electronic Office (https://sedeelectronica.molinadesegura.es), and an announcement of it in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia.
The rest of the publications to which the current legislation refers will be understood as referring to the Notice Board of the Town Hall and the Edictal Notice Board of the Electronic Office of the Town Hall (https://sedeelectronica.molinadesegura.es). Also, an extract of this call will be published in the National Database of Grants (BDNS) 2.
A unique and indivisible prize for the amount of 10,000 euros is established for the author of the winning work.
The award will be granted from budget item 02 3340 4860203 "Setenil Award: Story Book" of the current expenditure budget. 3.
Requirements to compete: Books of stories that meet the following characteristics may be submitted to the XVII SETENIL 2020 PRIZE, either directly by the publishers or by any natural or legal person: The books must have been published between the dates of April 23, 2019 (Book Day) and April 22, 2020, the publication date being understood to be the one in which the book production process has ended (printing and binding). They must be collections of stories by a single author and of Spanish nationality.
Although they may have been originally published in any of the official languages ??of the Spanish State, only the Spanish language edition may be submitted to this contest. In the case of works originally written in other languages ??of the State other than Spanish, the date to be taken into account will be that of the publication of the translated work. Books that are reissues of previous ones, or anthologies of stories already published in book format may not participate.
However, compilations will be accepted when the stories have appeared only in periodicals. 4.
Deadline for submission of applications and documentation to be provided. 4.1 Proposals must be sent to the attention of the Department of Culture of the Molina de Segura City Council at the following address: Molina de Segura City Council, Plaza de España, s / n, 30500 Molina de Segura, with the mention " Setenil Award ". 4.2.
A contact means (telephone and email) and the following documentation will be attached to the request: Two copies of each of the books presented, which once the process is completed will remain the property of the Molina de Segura City Council to enrich the funds of its Municipal Library Network. A declaration signed by the sender stating (1) that the book production process has ended within the dates indicated in section 3.a; and (2) that its author is of Spanish nationality. 4.3.
The deadline for admission of copies will start from the day after the publication of this call in the BORM and will end on July 15, 2020 inclusive. 5.
Competent bodies for the Instruction and Resolution of the Procedure: a) A preselection commission appointed by the Department of Culture and made up of people with creditworthiness in the subject matter of the award will choose a maximum of 10 finalist books from all the works presented.
The organization will contact the senders of the selected works so that they send 2 additional copies. b) A jury appointed by the Department of Culture, and made up of four relevant figures from the world of letters that have special relation to the genre of the story, will submit the finalist books for reading. c) The members of the jury will meet between October and November 2020 to issue their decision. d) In case of doubt, the decision on what is or is not a "story book" will correspond solely to the jury. e) The prize may not be declared void. The Department of Culture will submit a concession resolution proposal to the Local Government Board, which is the competent body for the resolution of the procedure. 6.
Publicidad y entrega del premio.
El acuerdo de concesión se publicará en el Tablón de Anuncios del Ayuntamiento y en el Tablón Edictal de la Sede Electrónica del Ayuntamiento (https://sedeelectronica.molinadesegura.es), surtiendo ésta los efectos de la notificación a los interesados de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 45.1 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas. El premio se entregará en acto público que tendrá lugar en Molina de Segura en diciembre de 2020, con asistencia de los miembros del jurado, e irá precedido de un encuentro con lectores.
Será inexcusable la presencia del autor galardonado para que el premio se haga efectivo. El Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura editará una separata que contendrá una muestra de la obra ganadora y que se distribuirá de forma no venal entre editores, críticos, escritores, universidades y otras instituciones relacionadas con el libro de todo el país. 7.
Justificación de la concesión.
A los efectos de la justificación será aplicable lo previsto en el artículo 30.7 de la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, General de Subvenciones (LGS), por otorgarse los premios en atención a la concurrencia de una determinada situación del perceptor, no requerirá otra justificación que dicha situación previa a la concesión, sin perjuicio de los controles que pudieran establecerse. 8.
Obligaciones del premiado. 8.1.
De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el art.14.1 de la citada LGS, los participantes que resulten premiados deberán acreditar que se encuentran al corriente del cumplimiento de sus obligaciones tributarias y de Seguridad Social, y no ser deudores de obligaciones por reintegro de subvenciones.
Asimismo, deberán presentar declaración de no hallarse incurso en ninguna de las prohibiciones previstas en el art.13 de la citada Ley. 8.2.
Cualquier reedición posterior de la obra ganadora hará referencia escrita en que se lea "XVII Premio Setenil 2020.
Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura".
El Ayuntamiento podrá reproducir libremente en cualquier medio la portada del libro ganador, así como un fragmento del mismo en la separata a que se refiere la base sexta. 8.3.
El mero hecho de participar en esta convocatoria conlleva la plena aceptación de las presentes bases.
El fallo del Jurado será inapelable. 9.
Recursos. El acuerdo de Junta de Gobierno Local de concesión del Premio, pone fin a la vía administrativa, y contra el mismo se podrá interponer Recurso Contencioso-Administrativo en el plazo de 2 meses, a partir del día siguiente a la notificación del mismo ante el órgano jurisdiccional competente, de acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley 29/1998, de 13 de julio, reguladora de la Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa, o Recurso Potestativo de Reposición en el plazo de un mes contado desde el día siguiente a que se produzca la notificación del acuerdo de concesión, en la forma prevista en la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura