| According to 2019 data, the municipality has increased the collection of plastic containers, briks and cans, and paper and cardboard, which places it above regional growth (14.3%) and national growth (8%) | On the occasion of the celebration of World Environment Day this June 5, the City of Molina de Segura presents the results of the selective collection of waste from plastic packaging, cans and briks (yellow container) and paper and cardboard packaging (blue container) in 2019. Results that confirm the important collaboration of the citizens of the municipality in the selective separation and recycling of waste.
Each inhabitant of Molina de Segura has deposited 18.1 kg.
of plastic, metal and briks containers in the yellow container during 2019, which places it above the average for the Region of Murcia, with 13.5 Kg per inhabitant, and also above the national average, which is 17.1 kg per inhabitant, according to data published by Ecoembes, the non-profit environmental organization that coordinates the recycling of packaging in Spain. Regarding paper and cardboard packaging, the citizen contribution, with 14.5 kilos per inhabitant, has contributed to a significant increase compared to the previous year, standing in 2019 above the regional average, which is 13.9 kg per inhabitant. But citizen collaboration in recycling continues to increase also in 2020.
Just as the citizens of Molina de Segura have demonstrated their involvement and commitment during the COVID-19 health crisis, they are also demonstrating their special awareness of caring for the environment, consolidating, during this stage of confinement, habits that contribute to the fight against climate change and the maintenance of a healthy city. In the first four months of 2020 there has been an increase of 20% compared to 2019 in the recycling of light packaging and paper and cardboard, so this year we are also expecting good results that will help meet the objectives.
that mark the European Directives regarding the recycling, objectives that suppose to recycle 55% of the urban waste in 2025. Regarding the quality of the separation carried out by citizens, the reduction in the number of improper waste, waste poorly deposited in the yellow container, stands out.
In 2019, the percentage of these badly deposited wastes decreased by 14.1%, standing at 21.6%. According to the Councilor for Municipal Services, Sandra Díez Calderero, "although this is very good data, from the Molina de Segura City Council we will continue to stress the need to consolidate this exceptional collaboration of citizens, improving the services and infrastructures destined for the selective collection of waste and developing awareness campaigns to improve the quality of selective separation.
" For yet another year, the Molina de Segura City Council joins the Ecoembes Piensa con los pulmones campaign, which continues to work to reinforce the message that "by recycling we preserve air quality." It will continue to provide information to carry out a correct separation of waste in the homes of the municipality and transmitting that recycling must be an intrinsic habit in our daily life that enhances the environmental benefit of preserving air quality, reducing the use of raw materials, water, energy and CO2 emissions, thereby contributing to the mitigation of climate change and favoring a healthy environment. On the occasion of the celebration of World Environment Day, other actions will also be developed aimed at raising awareness in the fight against climate change, proposing recommendations on the changes that we can introduce in daily habits, reporting on the relationship between climate change and health and the importance of preserving our Biodiversity, also joining the motto of the United Nations for this World Environment Day 2020, THE TIME OF NATURE. About Ecoembes Ecoembes is the non-profit environmental organization that coordinates the recycling of plastic containers, cans and briks (yellow container) and cardboard and paper containers (blue container) in Spain. In 2019, more than 1.5 million tons of light packaging and cardboard and paper packaging were recycled throughout the national territory.
As a result, numerous environmental benefits were obtained, such as avoiding the emission of 1.67 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere or saving 6.36 million MWh.
Likewise, 20.74 million cubic meters of water were saved.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura