| Emergency services attend and transport a motorcyclist injured after a traffic accident occurred on the N-301a in Molina de Segura to the hospital | The 1-1-2 Murcia Region Emergency Coordination Center has received several calls from 8:36 p.m.
reporting the traffic accident suffered by a motorist on the N-301a past the roundabout in La Ribera de Molina in the municipality of Molina de Segura.The biker is unconscious and bleeding from the face.
They report that it hinders.Local Police units from Molina de Segura and an ambulance from the Emergency Management and Health Emergencies 061 (a Mobile Emergency Unit) move to the scene of the event.Sanitariums from the UME transfer the wounded man to the Morales Meseguer General University Hospital.
Source: 112RM