The Local Government Board of Molina de Segura hires food, hygiene and household cleaning supplies to meet the basic needs of people who have needs derived from the COVID-19 crisis and are in a vulnerable situation The City Council has approved a list of invoices for a total amount of 70,513.02 euros The First Deputy Mayor and Spokesperson of the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held today, Thursday 28 of May, telematically via videoconference.
In the same, the hiring, by emergency processing, of basic food, hygiene and household cleaning supplies has been approved to guarantee attention to the basic needs of people who have needs derived from the COVID-19 crisis and are in a vulnerable situation, for the amount of 181,588.40 euros,as well as the award of a minor service contract for the drafting of the repair project for the bridge over the Segura river between the municipalities of Alguazas and Molina de Segura, after the damage caused by DANA in September 2019, and a list of invoices for total amount of 70,513.02 euros euros. TOWN PLANNING Approval of the award of a minor service contract for the drafting of the preliminary project Espacio Fayrén, within the EDUSI program, to Javier Esquiva López, for an amount of 17,169.90 euros. Approval, definitively, of the Action Program, Draft Statutes and Bases of the Compensation Board of the Industrial Action Unit UAI-T3, promoted by FINI Golosinas España, SLU. Initial approval of the Reparcelling Project for the Modification of the Partial Plan for the Hercas Sector ZI1-M6, Hercas Compensation Board for Sector ZI1-M6.
It is submitted to public information for a period of twenty days, by means of an announcement in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia and in the electronic office. ESTATE Approval of the invoice list of the City Council, for an amount of 70,513.02 euros. HIRING Approval of the proposal for awarding the maintenance of the anti-theft system of the Salvador García Aguilar Library, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature and others, to the company Identification Care, SL, for an amount of 1,218.78 euros. Approval of the withdrawal of the surveillance and security service of the building, facilities and various spaces of the El Jardín Center, the Social Welfare building on Avda.
De Madrid, the El Retén Building on Calle Mayor and the Molina de Segura City Council building, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed persons with the condition of security guards, as there is a non-rectifiable infringement of the regulatory rules of the contract award procedure and the awarding act has not yet taken place . Approval of the declaration as deserted of the contract tender, and the file of the contracting file, of fuel supply for the mobile park of the Local Police of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of social execution. Approval of the withdrawal of the supply under the lease and installation of portable modules of portable chemical toilets for various activities promoted by the Department of Local Parties of the City of Molina de Segura, including criteria for awarding of a social nature, upon the occurrence of the unexpected disappearance of the object and purpose of the contract. Approval of the taking of knowledge of the act of paralysis of the works of improvement of pavements and road safety in Calle García Lorca, in the hamlet of La Torrealta, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to social and labor insertion of unemployed . EDUCATION Approval of certification number 1, liquidation, of lot 5 of the improvement and investment works in educational centers, incorporating special social execution measures related to social and labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Proyectos y Servicios Francisco Romero , SLL, for an amount of 9,499.53 euros. Approval of certification number 1, and the only one, of lot 7 of the improvement and investment works in educational centers, incorporating special social execution measures related to the social and labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Mantenimientos Integrales Gómez, SL, for an amount of 6,500 euros. Approval of certification number 1, liquidation, of lot 8 of the improvement and investment works in educational centers, incorporating special social execution measures related to social and labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Proyectos y Servicios Francisco Romero , SLL, for the amount of 4,806.21 euros. TIC Approval of the award of a minor contract for annual maintenance services of the video-act service (session diary) and transcription of the plenary sessions from May 2020 to April 2021, to the company Ambiser Innovaciones, SL, for an amount of 10,043 euros. TOWN HALL Approval of the Mayor's proposal to establish two paid and non-recoverable local festivities in the labor calendar of the municipality of Molina de Segura for the year 2021.
They are on January 22 (San Vicente Mártir) and September 20 of the year 2021 ( celebration of the Patron Saint Festival). CULTURE Approval of spending of 10,000 euros and call and regulatory bases of the XVII edition of the Setenil 2020 Prize for the Best Book of Stories Published in Spain.
A unique and indivisible prize for the amount of 10,000 euros is established for the author of the winning work. SOCIAL WELFARE Approval of spending of 6,500 euros and 2020 agreement between the City of Molina de Segura and the Fundación Fundación Jesús Abandonado de Murcia for the project Care for people in social exclusion or at serious risk of being, attending to basic needs and support in the process of comprehensive recovery. Approval of spending of 22,000 euros and agreement 2020 between the City of Molina de Segura and the Association of Relatives and Patients with Alzheimer and other dementias (AFAD) of Molina de Segura for the project Let's activate the mind. Aprobación de la contratación, por tramitación de emergencia, de suministros básicos de alimentación, higiene y limpieza de hogar para garantizar la atención a las necesidades básicas de las personas que presentan necesidades derivadas de la crisis COVID-19 y se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad, a la empresa Comercial de Distribución Mediterráneo ECO, SL, por importe de 181.588,40 euros. VÍA PÚBLICA Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor de servicio de redacción del proyecto de reparación del puente sobre el río Segura entre los términos municipales de Alguazas y Molina de Segura, en la unión de las zonas conocidas como El Paraje, en Alguazas, y Barrio de Santa Rita, en Molina de Segura (reparación de daños producidos por la DANA de septiembre de 2019), a la empresa Florentino Regalado Ingeniería y Arquitectura, SUP, por un importe de 15.730 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura