| The Department of Equality and Gender Violence of Molina de Segura shares the Support Network Against Gender Violence in Migrant Women through the chat of the ACCESS Project | The European project has been launched by Doctors of the WorldThe City Council of Molina de Segura, at the proposal of the Department of Equality and Gender Violence, shares the Support Network against Gender Violence in Migrant Women through the chat of the ACCESS Project, promoted by Doctors of the World, as reported Today, Wednesday, May 13, the Councilor for Gender Equality and Violence, Montserrat Montanos Villegas. The state of alarm and the measures related to COVID19 leave women who may be living with their aggressors in a situation of special vulnerability, with greater social isolation and greater control on the part of their partners.
Confinement increases the risk of assault, leaves them without an escape valve and without the possibility of support and information.
And all this worsens for migrant women, who may not speak the language well and not know the resources to which they can go. From Doctors of the World they have launched a Support Network Against Gender Violence, through the chat of the ACCESS project, a European project whose objective is to improve the prevention, protection and support of migrant women affected by any form of violence of genre. Migrant women are more vulnerable and vulnerable to all forms of gender-based violence, including female genital mutilation, forced marriages, and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
ACCESS facilitates migrant women's access to resources and services. The chat is aimed at migrant women and is answered by a team of change agents against gender violence, who have joined a mediation team.
From Spain, chat is served in more than 10 languages. Women who need help have to go to the website https://www.we-access.eu/es and enter the chat to request it.
The Councilor for Equality and Violence in Molina de Segura has been included as one more resource on this page.
However, the service of Attention against Gender Violence (CAVI) of the Molinense City Council can also be given, through the telephone numbers 968 388 536 and 968 388 521, of the Department of Equality and Gender Violence, or calling 112, free 24-hour emergency, and 016 (free, leaves no trace on the bill). Montserrat Montanos has highlighted that "the Department of Equality and Gender Violence takes advantage of all the resources against gender violence, integrating them with those already existing in our municipality".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura