The Popular Party of Molina de Segura requests the Government Team (PSOE Podemos) the need to start conducting telematic plenary sessionsAt least a telematic plenary session should have already been carried out to inform and share actions that allow Molinenses to get out of this situation caused by the pandemic as soon as possible. The spokesman for the Municipal People's Group and president of the Popular Party of Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, has requested the Government Team (PSOE-Podemos) the need to resume the realization of telematic plenary sessions as soon as possible, as they are already being held in other municipalities in the Region of Murcia and Spain. José Ángel Alfonso has highlighted "that this type of plenary session is part of the legality, as Law 7/1985, of April 2, regulating the Bases of the Local Regime was recently amended with a change in section 3 of article 46 that it enables corporations, among other things, to "incorporate, hold sessions and adopt remote agreements by electronic and telematic means" ". The spokesman for the Municipal People's Group, states that "after leaving the local Government Team to take the measures they deem appropriate to resolve this crisis, and always with our full disposition for what they have needed or might need, it is time to give a step further and make decisions by mutual agreement.
" There is a vital need to inform Molineans of what has been done, as well as a sharing of all the Political Parties, about the measures that could be adopted so that all Molinenses get out of the harsh effects of the crisis as soon as possible.
of the coronavirus.
" In this regard, José Ángel Alfonso has announced that "the Popular Party of Molina de Segura has drawn up a Local Shock Plan that includes a series of measures, with the aim of minimizing the impact that the pandemic is having on the people of Moldova."
Source: PP Molina de Segura