In the Region of Murcia until the date of the report, 1463 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection have been registered.
The first case was declared on March 6 and confirmed as positive on March 8.
As of today, 221 cases are admitted to hospitals in the Region, of which 43 are in the ICU.
Epidemiological discharge has been given to 353 patients and 101 deaths have occurred, with the affected persons currently confirmed as 1009.
The diagnostic tests carried out for the detection of coronaviruses have been 12,596. Of the 1,463 confirmed cases to date, detailed information is currently available on 1,401 cases.
Good practices in the workplace Measures for the prevention of COVID-19 infections
In establishments open to the public, the following considerations will be taken into account:
The maximum capacity must allow compliance with the interpersonal distance requirement.
When possible, access control mechanisms will be enabled at the entrances.
All the public, including the waiting one, must keep the interpersonal distance.
The company must provide personal protective equipment when the risks cannot be avoided or cannot be sufficiently limited by technical means of collective protection or by measures or procedures for organizing work.
Personal protective equipment will be appropriate to the activities and work to be carried out.
The company must stagger the hours as much as possible if the work space does not allow maintaining the interpersonal distance in ordinary shifts, considering possibilities of redistribution of tasks and / or teleworking.
It is recommended to facilitate teleworking and meetings by phone or videoconference, especially if the workplace does not have spaces where workers can respect interpersonal distance.
It is recommended to avoid work trips that are not essential and that can be solved by call or videoconference.
It is not essential to wear a mask during your workday if the type of work does not require it and if you maintain interpersonal distance.
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