The City of Molina de Segura, through the departments of Public Roads, Parks and Gardens and Participatory Budgets, has made an investment close to 60,000 euros in the provision of youth areas with installation of calisthenics games in several parts of the urban area, project carried out through the 2018 Participatory Budgeting process.
The First Deputy Mayor, Ángel Navarro García, and the Councilor for Public Roads, Parks and Gardens, Fuensanta Martínez Jiménez, visited the new areas on Tuesday, March 10.
The Consistory has completed the execution of 4 areas of calisthenics, focused on young people over 14 years of age, for the realization of physical and sports activities.
In accordance with the proposal 376 of Participatory Budgets, and with an investment close to 60,000 euros, four new areas of this type of games have been carried out in the Plaza 1 de Mayo of the Fatima District, in the Conservation Park ( next to the Technological Center of the Preserve) of the District of El Sifón, in the Garden located next to the CEIP Maestro Francisco Martínez Bernal (in the District of San José Los Angeles) and in the Avenida del Chorrico, next to the IES Cañada de las Eras.
Calisthenics facilities are in high demand by young people, where they perform physical activities on the bars installed using body weight.
The City of Molina de Segura pioneered the installation of these types of areas in the Region and already has a total of 9 areas where activities related to calisthenics can be carried out (to the previous 4 we must add two more in the Park of the Company, one in Rambla de los Calderones, one in the San Antonio Park and another next to the Barro San Antonio Social Center).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura