The poster and program of activities of the 2020 Mid-Year Festival of Moros y Cristianos de Molina de Segura and the I Molina Medieval Gastronomic Contest, promoted by the Federation of Moors and Christians of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the Molinense City Council and the Gastronomic Association of Molina de Segura, have been presented at a press conference, today Friday, March 6, by the Councilor for Local Festivals and Tourism, Andrés Martínez Cervantes, the President of the Federation of Moors and Christians of Molina de Segura, Salvador Yepes Lozano, and the President of the Gastronomic Association of Molina de Segura, Juan Efrén Delgado Valero.
The Middle Year Festero 2020 of Moors and Christians of Molina de Segura is celebrated from March 9 to 15, while the I Medieval Molina Gastronomic Contest will take place from March 9 to 22.
The 2020 Middle Year program of Moros y Cristianos Molina de Segura 2020 is as follows:
Monday, March 9:
18.30 h., In Centro El Jardín (Widows Association Hall), talk Moors and Christians: The birth of a party, with the centers of elderly people in Molina de Segura.
Free entry until complete seats.
Tuesday, March 10:
19.00 h., Visit of the Federation of Moors and Christians and Festive Fees to the sponsoring company Estrella de Levante.
Thursday, March 12:
20.30 h., In the auditorium of CIFEA (in Avenida Gutiérrez Mellado, No. 17), San Vicente Mártir y Molina conference, the Bien Murada, by the Molinense historian Juan de Dios Hernández Mińano.
Free entry until complete seats.
Friday, March 13:
21.00 h., At the Virginia Martínez Fernández Auditorium, at MUDEM, presentation of Festeros Charges 2020. Free admission until capacity is reached.
Saturday, March 14:
10.00 h., At MUDEM, theatrical visit to the Enclave de la Muralla Museum.
Tour of partiers through the medieval history of the Villa de Molina de Segura.
Limited places.
12.00 h., Parades presentation of Cargos Festeros 2020, Cábilas and Mesnadas de Molina de Segura.
Itinerary: Plaza Región Murciana, Paseo Rosales, Calle Estación, and Plaza de Espańa.
14.00 h., In El Portón de la Condesa restaurant, Medieval Food.
Tadeo with live music and mats with monitors for the little ones.
Sunday March 15:
10.00 h., In Plaza de Espańa, children's games and mats for the children of Molina de Segura.
12.00 h., In Plaza de Espańa, Festeros Concentration and Coexistence.
14.00 h., In Plaza de Espańa, II Contest of Rice with Calasparra Designation of Origin, for partiers and public that wishes, prior registration.
Contest rules and registration Facebook (FmycMolinadeSegura) or in the Department of Tourism, Commerce and Handicrafts.
The proposal to organize these Moors and Christians Festivities in the municipality stems from the initiative of a group of Molineans, who contacted Salvador Yepes and David Carmona, of the Kábila Huestes Fernando III of the Moors and Christians Festivals of Murcia, and the The idea was to start in 2018 with a presentation of the Festivities to, in 2019, organize a first Moors and Christians Celebration in Molina de Segura, which took place in September and October last year.
The Federation is made up of three blackberry kábilas (Kábila Mulina As Sikka, Kábila Rey Lobo and Guerrero de Abu Amir) and four Christian mesnadas (Infante Mesada Juan Manuel, Mesada Huestes de Fernando III, Mesnada Templar Chapter and Mesada Caballeros y Damas del Cid) .
I Molina Medieval Gastronomic Contest
The Federation of Moors and Christians of Molina de Segura wanted to consider the hospitality industry at parties as it has merchants, and the idea is born of its president.
"We wanted to be with the hoteliers, who we think are an important part of our parties and who attend to the public that we have in the different events that we develop throughout the year, and what better way than to do something together."
18 locals participate, who will make a dish for customers to taste for two weeks, the week of the Mid-Year Party and the next, from March 9 to 22.
Both hoteliers, who will compete with their dishes, and customers who participate in tasting them will be rewarded.
This contest is the first in the whole Region of Murcia, being Molina de Segura again driving a gastronomic initiative.
"We want to boost hospitality, commerce and everything that has an economic impact on the municipality, which we believe is important for everyone, since our party is part of history, the present and a future in which we all have to work. We look forward to That is the beginning of many collaborations by the federation with all sectors that want to be with us for years to come, "says Salvador Yepes.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura