The writer José Antonio Fernández Martínez presents the book Memories of a missionary in love on Monday, March 9, at 8:00 p.m., at the Salvador García Aguilar Library (in Avenida del Chorrico, No. 44) of Molina de Segura.
Involved, along with the author, the editor Fernando Fernández Villa, the teacher Consuelo Chicano Fernández and the music therapist Domingo Pérez Bermejo.
José Antonio Fernández Martínez (Molina de Segura, 1937)
With a degree in Classical Philology, José Antonio Fernández Martínez worked as a professor at the institutes of Caravaca de la Cruz and Mula.
At 10 he discovered his true vocation: to be a missionary.
Therefore, shortly after, and after completing his studies, he decided to enter the seminary, where his dedication to others consecrated him as a priest.
For 9 years he was a missionary in Ecuador, where he published a manuscript book on figurative music, entitled Ecuador sings to the Lord.
In 1985 he married in Cieza, where he lives, with the woman who made him leave habits and with whom he had five children.
With his book Memories of a missionary in love, this teacher wants his children to know his life and what led him to separate from the clergy.
Memories of a missionary in love (Alfaqueque Ediciones, 2019)
Memories of a missionary in love is the autobiography of a missionary who had to leave the priesthood to find a woman to share his life with.
It is a book of love, of hate, of action, of adventures and adventures in the Amazon jungle, and of - so many times painful, and painful - inner adventure, of dialectic struggle against itself and against the world.
A documented and realistic romantic novel, true and real also as life itself, although, as it used to be expressed in parochial sheets of censorship of shows and movies, without any pornography, without unnecessary explicitness, or form defects.
They were not needed, they are not needed.
There is no morbid here.
As a pure, clean and direct testimony of life, José Antonio Fernández Martínez's book is already well sold.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura