Pentación Espectáculos (Madrid) represents the play CINCO HORAS CON MARIO, by Miguel Delibes, starring Lola Herrera, on Saturday, February 29, at 9:00 p.m., at the Villa de Molina Theater (in Avenida del Chorrico, No. 10 ).
Locations sold out.
This show is subsidized by the Scene Plan of the Institute of Cultural Industries and Arts of the Region of Murcia.
We are in March 1966. Carmen Sotillo has just lost her husband Mario unexpectedly.
Once the visits and the family have retired, she alone watches over her husband's body last night and begins with him a monologue dialogue in which we discover their personalities and the conflicts of their marriage.
With a choppy, detailed, repetitive and full of topics, Carmen Sotillo says things, expresses feelings and makes judgments that many people today may find incredible.
But we attest that this language existed, that those judgments were made, that those things about Carmen were in everyday life.
Five hours with Mario is, among many other things, a living document of those years.
Of the economic, religious, political, sexual and moral concerns then prevailing that Delibes, through the language of his protagonist, left portrayed clearly, so that the Spanish life of that time comes to throb alive in his words.
But, above all this, Five hours with Mario tells us about the eternal affairs of the human being: of guilt, of loneliness, of solitary confinement, of the meaning of life.
As always in Delibes, starting from a specific localism, it embodies in its characters and in its conflicts the deepest and most complex realities that condition our life.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura