Under the title "Lean in Health. Kaizen Philosophy for the improvement of quality of care and patient safety", the Director of Quality and Head of Pharmacy Service of the Hospital de Molina, Francisco de Asís López Guerrero, has given a training workshop in the Santa Lucía University General Hospital (Cartagena).
Aimed at the Pharmacy Service of the Hospital Center and with the objective of making Lean and Six Sigma methodologies known - with which it is intended to improve the quality and efficiency of the processes -, López Guerrero has made a description of both methodologies and has explained its practical application to the health system.
Both the Lean methodology and the Six Sigma methodology help improve the quality and efficiency of the processes.
Molina Hospital has been implementing them since 2011 through various projects assigned to different services, such as operating room and hospitalization (currently open projects), and pharmacy, stores, outpatient consultations, diagnostic imaging, etc.
(projects already completed);
and, also, through its integration into the Quality Management System of the Molinense hospital, with good results.
Source: Hospital de Molina