The City of Molina de Segura, through its Municipal Business Office, is determined to enable the creation of a mixed network of collaboration between the companies of the municipality and the municipality itself, with the express purpose of providing a joint meeting point for achieve a more sustainable, fair, supportive and constructive city.
That is one of the ideas with which the Business Office, through its head, Santiago Pastor Palazón, has returned from the European meeting of Nantes, where cities such as Milan, Sofia, Guimaraes or the event's own organizer have been found .
This is the CITIES4CSR meeting of Urbact, financed by 85% by the ERDF, and this time it deals with the social and urban regeneration of the Fatima District through corporate collaboration.
The Molinense participation was led by the European Projects Municipal Manager, Antonio Gomariz Pastor, together with the Business Office, the specialized consultant Clara Cabello, from the Eurovértice company, the local businessman Anthony Renton, from the company Vrio Servitir, and, As an external freelance, the architect Juan Antonio Santa-Cruz, from Santa-Cruz Arquitectura.
Corporate Social Responsibility is very established and fashionable throughout Europe, and consists of a way of directing companies towards the management of impacts that their own activity generates on their customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, neighbors, the environment and society. usually.
CSR is a way to counteract the imbalances that globalization and wild capitalism have caused in our societies, reversing its consequences.
Try to achieve in the company and in the municipality where it acts, values ​​such as ethics, sustainability, mainstreaming, coherence, impact management, globality, satisfaction or social justice.
The interest of the proposal to create a municipal CSR network is that companies, of all sizes, legal forms and sectors, can participate in investments, action plans and municipal planning, providing not only economic resources, but time , employees, labor, products in kind and even concrete projects or services.
Enough are already the companies that have contributed their CSR to the City of Molina de Segura and have directed part of their actions to the municipality that houses them, and to the neighbors and workers that support them.
This is the case of mercantile companies such as Francisco Aragón, Soltec, Eversia, Arom, Fini Golosinas España, Chubb, Auxiliary Conservera, Alcurnia, and many other local societies aware that their economic function must go hand in hand with their social and cultural awareness, helping vertebrate and improve a municipality, whose beneficial consequences will also indirectly enjoy these firms.
The future RSC network will have the invaluable institutional collaboration and training support of the University of Murcia, through an agreement that will be signed shortly with the Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility, led by Professor Longinos Marín.
The Molina de Segura City Council is considering having a public-private CSR municipal strategy, which would be the first in the Region of Murcia, and would entail some budgetary, personnel and workload implications.
The idea is to prepare a kind of mixed platform in which there are two sides: a wide range of needs, activities, investments and possibilities of all kinds that the municipality requires and, on the other hand, a list of companies that are willing to contribute voluntarily some added value to your city, with its corresponding dissemination and marketing associated with this corporate contribution.
The Councilor for Economic Promotion and Strategy, José de Haro González, affirms that "we as a society have to make the improvement of our city possible with the invaluable help of the business side, which has realized that Corporate Social Responsibility is a way, not only to support and improve municipalities, but a way to grow economically, socially, labor and advertising in your company. "
"Since the attention and advice of the City of Molina de Segura towards the 10,000 companies and local freelancers is unconditional and daily in the last 4 years, the firms are demanding us to collaborate and contribute beyond specific sponsorships as traditionally they had been doing", Add the Councilor.
The municipal network of Corporate Social Responsibility of Molina de Segura is expected to be underway at the end of this year, once the municipal needs have been analyzed, once its internal operation has been studied, and once the relationship with the companies interested in being present is organized in her.
The participation and experience of the European Urbact program will be essential, which will serve as the basis and inspiration for this great Molinense project.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura