The Department of Social Welfare of the City of Molina de Segura, through its Unit for the Elderly and the Participatory Budgeting process, has organized a Workshops Program for the Elderly, aimed at the entire population of the municipality over 65 years (about 8,702 people ).
The program has been presented at a press conference on Tuesday, February 4, by the First Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Social Welfare, Angel Navarro García, and the head of the Senior Unit, Manuela Zamora Baños.
The activities are aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly through activities that promote active aging, and are framed in four fields:
Psychological support, workshops and individualized attention.
Nutrition workshops and personalized consultations.
Introduction to new technologies: tablet management.
Basic life support and management of the defibrillator.
As explained by the Councilor for Social Welfare, "from the Senior Unit we have been responding to the needs, demands and realities of all the elders of the municipality of Molina de Segura, and through the 18 centers of elderly we dynamize said group, programming activities in order to improve their quality of life in society, encouraging their participation, based on the lines of active aging. "
"Public administrations have the responsibility to carry out the task of meeting the needs of all groups and this City Council, as a result of the 2018 Participatory Budgeting process, and within the municipal proposals chosen in the budget process under the 2019 budget, these workshops for the elderly were approved, among other actions, with a budget of 27,000 euros, "says Ángel Navarro.
Thus, from the Senior Unit, and in response to the demands of the group, the elderly are provided with actions framed in the promotion of active and healthy aging, which are complementary to those they have been doing for four years, both through of the collaboration agreement with the Association of the Elderly, such as through the Dynamization of the Centers, with the budget line of the Department of Social Welfare, and which respond to that general objective of improving the quality of life of the elderly.
There are currently 18 senior activity groups in the municipality, located in different neighborhoods and districts.
These pose a different social context and therefore the Map of Club de Mayores has to do with the opportunities, nature and idiosyncrasies of the neighborhood itself.
There is therefore a different reality in each association of elders and they present an inequality, which must be corrected, working individually with each of them, and as far as possible within their own centers.
Individualized Psychological Attention Service.
Two mornings a week (three hours a day) with travel when required to the 18 centers of older constituted.
The individualized attention will include those attentions that could arise without being programmed as a result of some urgent demand.
18 workshops, five sessions each, and 90 minutes long, in the morning or afternoon.
Contents: Personal growth, Memory, Social Skills, and Emotional Intelligence.
54 self-care workshops, 90 minutes long, with anthropometric measures for all participants.
And 18 practical workshops for learning to eat well (one per center), 60 minutes long.
18 personalized consultations, three hours each.
And a DAY OF MAJORITY MAJOR NUTRITION, which will consist of a talk about healthy eating and emotional balance (60 minutes) and an Inter-generational Workshop (two hours) as a contest.
The participants, in the company of their grandchildren, will make easy and simple snacks and healthy snacks, and the nutritionist will act as coordinator and mediator.
To introduce the elderly in the use of New Technologies, until now workshops have been carried out in the different centers of the elderly that have computers.
Because the use of the tablet has been imposed, and with the aim of promoting the use of this application, a training activity has been programmed for the elderly in the handling of said tablet, with a total of 72 hours and 50 participants, in the Elderly Unit and in the Center of El Fenazar.
8 LEVEL COURSES I (three hours)
8 LEVEL II COURSES (three hours)
8 LEVEL III COURSES (three hours)
It will be taught in a Basic Life Support training course and training in the use of the defibrillator.
A semi-automatic one has been acquired.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura