The young Pablo José García has been elected president of New Generations of the Popular Party in Molina de Segura.
The new president, student and self-employed worker, has been surrounded by his new board of directors, by the president of the NNGG Region of Murcia, Francisco José García, as well as the PPRM Secretary of Transportation, José Díez de Revenga, and by the senator of the PP, Juan María Vázquez.
The regional president, Francisco José García, has highlighted the great role that the new president will play in Molina, as the organization will take momentum to "open up to the NNGG society so that many young people integrate into this project that will fight to ensure the interests of all Molinenses. "
During the Congress the members of the new team led by Pablo José García have also been appointed: as Secretary General, Carmen María Muñoz;
as Secretary of Organization, Fran Caravaca;
Communication Secretary, Juan Carlos Martínez;
Secretary of Education, Carmen María Muñoz;
Secretary of Sports, Francisco Jose Liza Ros;
Secretary of Culture, Fuensanta Carrascosa;
Secretary of Associationism: Álvaro Pérez;
Training Secretary, Raúl Tupín;
Affiliation Secretary: Melody Guijarro;
Secretary of Transparency, María Encarnación Garci Hernández;
Secretary of Pedanías, Daniel Salar and Secretary of Urbanizations: Almudena Fernández;
and as vowels;
Antonio Simón Muñoz;
Daniel Fernández Campos;
Ivan Navarro Hernández;
and Raúl López Segura.
For his part, Pablo José García said that they hope that "every young person in Molina has the opportunity to feel heard, to see that their problems and concerns matter to us", so he has indicated that they will fight to renew and expand the classrooms of study of the municipality and will implement a volunteer program to help the whole of Molinense society.
Source: PP Región de Murcia