José Ángel Alfonso said that "we are facing the undercover closure of the Tajo-Segura Transfer, a fact that has been demonstrated with the decision of the socialist government not to transfer water for the Levantine irrigation in the months of November and December" and the investiture has affirmed that "Pedro Sánchez made on January 4 some statements openly contrary to some principles contained in our Magna Carta".
The popular have also submitted a motion with which they intend to create new bonuses on public transport in Molina de Segura and avoid cutting 50% of the transport bonus to the long-term unemployed of those under 40.
The president and the municipal spokesman of the Popular Party of Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, presented this morning to the media at a press conference the three motions that have raised to full for the next ordinary plenary session in January.
The first of these requires that the full Molinense be positioned on the decision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition that decided last November and December not to transfer water to the east.
The mayor said that this decision "belongs to a strategy of strangulation of the economies in the regions governed by the Popular Party, with the intervention of its resources, which contrasts with the privileges granted, for example, to separatism in Catalonia" and says with his motion "that the PSOE-Podemos government team in Molina de Segura side with the citizens and urge the Government of the Nation to respect and comply with Law 21/2013 that establishes the rules of exploitation of the Tajo-Segura Transfer as well as require you to reconsider and compensate all those affected by the transfer or these months. "
The spokesman of the popular has doubted the approval of the motion since "we are not very optimistic, because the government of Spain PSOE PODEMOS is the same that exists here in Molina de Segura, so it will be important to know which side this team is on of local government, whether with Pedro Sánchez or with the Molinenes and Murcia. "
The second motion presented by the popular seeks that the Molinense consistory pronounce on the pacts reached by Pedro Sánchez to achieve the investiture.
"The statements made by Mr. Sánchez and various sections of the agreements signed by the PSOE reflect certain commitments that, in the best of cases, fall into flagrant contradiction with the provisions of our Magna Carta and other important provisions of our system In the worst case, such commitments could be a violation of these legal provisions, "the mayor said.
On this same motion he added that "We want to know if this local government of PSOE-Podemos differs from the national government also formed by PSOE-We can therefore present a second motion to position themselves and tell us if they are in favor of defending the Constitution, the legality and the Spaniards, or on the contrary accept the division and the separatist movement that they are encouraging. "
Among the agreements raised in this motion are to urge the President of the Government of Spain to:
Not assume the independence terminology that aims to replace the problem of coexistence in Catalonia with an alleged political conflict.
Do not give in to the independence claim to create an "institutional negotiation table between the governments of Catalonia and Spain" as if it were two sovereign nations.
Not establish any dialogue outside the institutions included in the Constitution and in the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia.
Keep your promise to recover the illegal referendum.
Make public the demands of the independentistas so that the Spaniards can know the concessions made to the independentistas.
The last of the motions presented by the popular proposes to modify the Regulatory Ordinance of the Social Rates of the Public Urban and Interurban Public Transport of Molina de Segura with the addition of new rates that are not currently contemplated.
José Ángel Alfonso has detailed that "we propose the creation of three new rates: one for the disabled in a degree higher than 33%, for Special Large Families and another for Young People (up to 30 years)" and that they seek with it "to promote the use of public transport among the population, one of the requirements set out in the last Climate Summit (COP25) held in Madrid last December. "
José Ángel Alfonso has also concluded that "all the public transport social tariffs currently existing in Molina de Segura, which were created during the local government of the Popular Party, have amply demonstrated their effectiveness" has also denounced "that the current PSOE government team -We can try to cut the rate by 50% for long-term unemployed people under 40 years of age, which we also propose to curb with our motion. "
Source: PP Molina de Segura / Foto: archivo