The Eugenia Manzanera Company represents the children's theater show, Fetén Award 2017 for the Best Children's Show, RETAHILANDO, on Saturday, January 4, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., in room B of the Villa de Molina Theater (in Avenida del Chorrico, n 10).
The price of admission is 6 euros.
Retahilando is a vital spectacle, full of play, where everything is linked to the strong thread of time, of memory, of memory, of the fun that rhymed words give.
It is full of stories, of narratives that belong to the collective memory, it is a generational union where word and music go hand in hand.
The weaver who weaves the world is called Sis sas and is very old.
She weaves and weaves, all the time weaves Time.
People are born, tissues of stories.
A life ... a time weave.
Time to spin, "retahilar", baste, knit, patch, tell ... sew and sing.
Stories from a past time, objects that are stories, songs with aromas from Mediterranean countries.
Retahilando is a show where laughter and laughter are at the hem of everything, both for the adult audience and for the infant.
An actress and a musician tangling and pulling the thread.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura