The First Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of the City of Molina de Segura, Ángel Navarro García, has informed of the agreements adopted at the two meetings of the Local Government Board, one of an ordinary nature and another public session and Extraordinary, celebrated today Friday December 27.
In the public and extraordinary session, a file of adjustment for temporary relationship of obligations and relation of obligations and payment orders was approved, for an amount of 55,964.80 euros.
And in the ordinary session, the following agreements have been approved:
5 urban planning license files and 2 disciplinary files for urban infraction have been approved.
Approval of the award of a minor works contract for an amount of 7,502 euros.
Approval of the award of a minor service contract amounting to 11,845.90 euros.
Approval of the list of invoices of the City Council, for an amount of 1,993,739.23 euros.
Approval of the SERCOMOSA invoice list, for an amount of 560,431.97 euros.
Approval of the relationship of invoices with procedural anomaly, in the amount of 11,895.81 euros.
Approval of the return of bail of the works of endowment of artificial turf in soccer field 11 of the Municipal Stadium Sánchez Cánovas, incorporating special conditions of execution of social character relative to socio-labor insertion of people in long-term unemployment situation, to the company Josefa Antón Lamberto, for an amount of 13,838.84 euros.
Approval of the extension of the contract for the supply of basic food, hygiene and household cleaning products for people in Social Services during the year 2019, including special conditions of social execution and ethical and environmental assessment criteria, with the company Comercial de Distribución Mediterráneo Eco, SL, from March 27, 2020 to March 26, 2021. Approval commitment for 2020 budget for 75,692.07 euros and for 2021 for 25,230, is approved, 69 euros.
Approval of the beginning of the file of contracting of arbitrations of the municipal soccer and futsal leagues, organized by the Department of Sports and Health for the year 2020, incorporating special conditions of execution, with an expense of 25,350 euros.
Approval of the start of the contract file for the reinforcement of the firm and improvement of the road safety of Avenida del Chorrico, Avenida de Valencia and Calle Molino del Cubo, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed persons, with an expense of 522,727.32 euros.
Approval of the start of the contracting file for the replacement of the existing bridge over the Greenway, connecting Barrio de La Brancha with Barrio Casas de García, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, with a expenditure of 362,122.52 euros.
Approval of the start of the contracting file for the management of the green zone Plaza Antonio Alacid, in Barrio San Miguel, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, with an expense of 126,354.79 euros .
Approval of the start of the contracting file for the provision of geronto gymnastic games in various parks and gardens of the municipal district of Molina de Segura, included in the financially sustainable investments item of the Participatory Budgets 2018, incorporating special measures of execution of a relative nature a socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, with an expenditure of 150,000 euros.
Approval of the start of the contracting file for the provision of shade candles in various parks and gardens, included in the financially sustainable investments item of the Participatory Budgets 2018, incorporating special social execution measures related to socio-labor insertion of people in situation of unemployment, with an expense of 150,000 euros.
Approval of the commencement of the contracting file of the underground containerization in Barrio San Roque, Barrio Santa Bárbara, Barrio de Fátima and Barrio San José, included in the financially sustainable investments item of the Participatory Budgets 2018, incorporating special execution measures of a social nature relating to socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, with an expenditure of 100,000 euros.
Approval of the beginning of the file of hiring of the improvement and investment in educational centers, incorporating special measures of execution of social character relative to socio-labor insertion of people in unemployment situation, with an expense of 109,869.95 euros.
Approval of the start of the contract file for the drafting of the project and study of safety and health, construction management, execution direction and health and safety coordination, corresponding to the set for Plaza de la Ermita and Matadero Building, framed in the Strategy of Sustainable Urban Development and Integrated Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo, co-financed by 80% by the ERDF, through the Multiregional Operational Program of Spain 2014 - 2020, incorporating execution conditions related to socio-labor insertion, with an expense of 140,409.26 euros.
Approval of the beginning of the file of the hiring of a collective insurance of accidents and life of the City of Molina de Segura, with an expense of 110,000 euros.
Approval of contradictory prices and increase of expenditure in 21,150.04 euros from the completion of the Central Garden of the La Quinta urbanization and specific arrangements in the surrounding roads, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed people .
Approval of the proposal for the award of the supply of diverse material for the JV El Romeral 2 Mixed Employment and Training Program and for the JV El Romeral 3 Mixed Employment and Training Program of the Department of Labor Training and Insertion Policies, incorporating conditions execution specials.
Lots 1, 2 and 17 are awarded: Lot 1 to the bookshop Technical and Computer Science, for an amount of 1,579.82 euros;
Lot 2 to the bookshop Technical and Computer Science, for an amount of 754.50 euros;
and Lot 17 to the company Würth España, SA, for an amount of 363.61 euros.
Approval of the proposal for the award of civil / property liability insurance of the City of Molina de Segura, to the company SegurCaixa Adeslas, SA Seguros y Reaseguros, for an amount of 44,620.15 euros.
Approval of the award of the contracting of tourist services for museums and municipal centers, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Aldaba Servicios Turísticos y Culturales SL, for an amount of 28,919 euros.
Approval of the certification n ° 3 of the works of the general sanitation collector in the hamlet of Los Valientes, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed persons, for an amount of 26,420.87 euros, to the Ayllonza company.
Approval of the certification n ° 4 of the works for the improvement of municipal infrastructures (municipal actions) financially sustainable investments of the Participatory Budgets 2018, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, by an amount of 44,096.67 euros, to the company Quarto Proyectos, SL.
Approval of the n ° 5 certification of municipal infrastructure improvement works (municipal actions) financially sustainable investments of the Participatory Budgets 2018, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, by an amount of 40,359.51 euros, to the company Ecocivil Electromur.
Approval of the certification n ° 2 of the renovation and improvement works of the water supply service for human consumption and sewerage, in different roads of the San Antonio District, Phase I, works of the Canon of Supply and Sanitation, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, for an amount of 49,684.48 euros, to the company Advance and Development of Works.
Approval of the certification n ° 5 and liquidation of the works of management of the QS2 Zone in El Tapiado for the Municipal Fairgrounds in Molina de Segura, 3rd action of underground LAMT and LABT, distribution centers and CT 400kVA, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed persons, for an amount of 18,311.45 euros, to the company Quarto Proyectos, SL.
Approval of the certification n ° 3 of the remodeling and adaptation of places and maintenance in children's areas (Conservation Park, Ntra. Mrs. de los Ángeles Garden, Almanzor Square and Torrealta Square), and maintenance of roads, in different areas of the municipality of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed persons, for an amount of 55,076.14 euros, to the Constuarchena company.
Approval of the certification n ° 5 of the works of provision of sanitation and supply services in Calle Rodríguez de la Fuente, and rainwater service in Avenida de Paris, corresponding to works of Canon of Supply and Sanitation 2017, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of unemployed persons, for an amount of 83,788.60 euros, to the company Workshops and Conductions.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for conditioning works on Victoria Selma Street in the district of El Rellano (actions in the area of ​​Zone 4, financially sustainable investments of Participatory Budgets), to the company Etosa Obras y Servicios Building, SLU, in the amount of 14,269.32 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for conditioning works of the Molinera Passage, lighting installation and coating adaptation, to the company ESM Estudios y Mantenimiento, for an amount of 9,716.30 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the provision of gerontogimnasia equipment in Los Bolos Park and Francisco Cano Quijada Park (in Barrio San Miguel), financially sustainable investments of the Participatory Budgets 2018, to the company Galopyn Playgrounds, SL, for amount of 19,621.72 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the installation of drinking fountains in various gardens of Molina de Segura, to the company Ecocivil Electromur GE, SL, for an amount of 9,547.67 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the supply of urban furniture, banks and paper mills for the Municipal Warehouse, to the company Novatilu, SL, for an amount of 11,242.90 euros.
Approval of the payment of self-reimbursement Reimbursements of the European Social Fund, for the amount of 6,908.91 euros, of the Concilia Educa grant on Saturday mornings.
Approval of the dismissal of four files of claim of patrimonial responsibility.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for advisory service and activity development for the promotion of citizen participation in the Fatima District, included in the Participatory Budgets of 2018, to the company Hábitat Cultural, SL, for an amount of 7,400 euros.
Approval of the resolution of the contract for the basic project and for the execution of the works for the adaptation of the basement floor to the auditorium / multipurpose room and leaking repairs in the Salvador García Aguilar Library building.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the repair works of social centers for damages and damages caused by DANA, to the company Unión de Desarrollos y Proyectos Grupo Empresarial, SL, for an amount of 10,708.50 euros.
Approval of the award of the minor contract for the installation of a new marquee on Avenida de Madrid, next to Plaza de la Cerámica, to the company JS Mobiliario Urbano y Rótulos, for 7,962.27 euros.
Approval of the correction of error and new award of the minor contract for repair works of sports floor pavement of the CEIP San Miguel, to the company ESM Studies and Maintenance, for 11,847.67 euros.
Approval of the concession of the XVI Setenil Prize 2019 to Elena María alonso Frayle, for an amount of 10,000 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura