of food to Caritas]
Molina Hospital has delivered this morning to Caritas Interparroquial de Molina de Segura 300 kgs.
of non-perishable foods, within the framework of the food collection campaign promoted by Caritas, on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, to which the Hospital Center has joined for another year.
On that occasion, the hospital has organized a voluntary collection of donations among its staff with a solidarity piggy bank, in which all the workers of the Hospital have participated, which has been used to make a large purchase of non-perishable food and hygiene products : oil, canned fish, fried tomatoes, sugar, flour, milk, baby food, etc.
"At the Hospital de Molina we do not forget those who, by necessity, are having a worse time, especially in these very special dates. And our team has once again demonstrated their solidarity, collaborating selflessly with the solidarity piggy bank that we have put in March, with which, one more year, we contribute our grain of sand collaborating with Cáritas to try to bring Christmas to those who need it most, "says the Director-Manager of the Molina Hospital, Pedro Hernández Jiménez.
At present, Caritas Molina de Segura attends approximately 384 families in the municipality with food, clothing, footwear, pharmacy bills, electricity, etc.: 1,100 people (1,008 adults and 92 children under two years old).
Source: Hospital de Molina