The Department of Labor Training and Insertion Policies of the City of Molina de Segura has launched, on Thursday, December 19, a new program of Municipal Services Brigade, with the hiring for 6 months of 8 unemployed people, over 45 Almost all years.
During that time, four of these people will be hired as maintenance operators and another four as driving, masonry, welding and carpentry officers, and will perform their own maintenance tasks for municipal buildings and public spaces, basically electricity, masonry, welding, carpentry, transportation and assembly.
The total cost of the program is 120,526 euros and is funded by the City of Molina de Segura and through a grant of 110,000 euros from the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF) under the Local Public Employment Subprogram, within the Public Employment Program Local, Institutional and non-profit entities.
The Councilor for Labor Training and Insertion Policies, Eliseo García Cantó, trusts "in the commitment and collaboration with the SEF to maintain and strengthen this program, which subsidizes the hiring of unemployed people, with which capacity is improved and favored of occupational occupation of Molinenses through the execution of works and services of general and social interest ".
Likewise, Eliseo García reports that, "in addition to this one that starts today, two other similar projects are carried out during 2019, one of municipal services for long-term unemployed people over 45 years old and another forestry for young people under 30 years, which allow to hire another 12 people. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura