The Councilor for Labor Training and Insertion Policies of the City of Molina de Segura, Eliseo García Cantó, accompanied by the Director of the Department, Antonio Gomariz Pastor, met last Friday, December 13 with the participants in the 100x100 Activation Program, which promotes in Molina de Segura the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF), in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the Local Initiatives entity, to increase the activation of job seekers and improve their employment.
This is the second edition of 100x100 Activation developed by the SEF in Molina de Segura and which has high and hopeful labor insertion rates, above 50%.
This program has 25 participants and began last November 29, with a duration of 100 days, aimed at increasing the activation of job seekers through the mediation of a personal trainer.
The group of participants is quite heterogeneous, being job seekers of different ages, with the minimum ESO degree and willing to find work through the optimization of their skills and after defining their professional objective.
Eliseo García presented the resources that the Molinense City Council makes available to unemployed people to support their training and job placement and encouraged participants to use them in their active job search.
On the other hand, the group coach presented the objectives of the work until March 2020 and the participants presented their main challenges and demands in this job search process.
The program has the collaboration of the Department of Youth and the activities are carried out in its facilities at the La Cerámica Integral Center.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura