DelGüeno CTM (Murcia) presents the show PASEO POR MURCIA, theatrical adaptation of the book A literary walk through the streets of Murcia, by the Paco López Mengual Molinense, on Friday, December 13, at 9:00 p.m., at the Teatro Villa de Molina (in Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The ticket price is 10 euros.
According to its author, López Mengual, A literary walk through the streets of Murcia becomes like "a conch that whispers old stories and legends of the city to the walker that crosses the streets of Murcia."
A journey prancing and jumping for centuries, dealing with disparate themes of mythical trees and bandits, of saints who work miracles and curses, of horned men, of ghosts, of witches and inquisitors, of fateful crimes, of actors and writers who walked the name of Murcia all over the world.
A fun and entertaining work, which at the same time aims to confront our essence through the stories that constitute our past, that is, our identity.
This theatrical montage and the book on which it is based bring us closer and help us define our identity as a people, as a region.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura