The Department of Social Welfare of the City of Molina de Segura carries out a new edition of the course "Improving the quality of citizen care in the Primary Care Social Services", in which 25 professionals from different municipalities of the Region whose powers are developed as ordinances, janitors and administrative units.
This course, which takes place within the framework of the ESF and the Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Family and Social Policy, is taught at the La Cerámica Integral Center, since last November 20, and will have working sessions this week, Tuesday 26 and Thursday 28 November, 09.00 to 14.00 hours.
This seminar starts from the principle that people who perform public service functions are a key factor in the provision of the service since they are the direct interlocutors between citizens and the Administration.
These jobs not only require technical knowledge, but also personnel with skills and abilities to carry out the task of interrelation with the citizen.
The requirement of quality in the services provided by the administration is a reality, and for this the training is valued, not only of technicians, but of all the professionals that make up the Social Services centers, providing them with knowledge about the tools existing corporate, communication with citizens, active listening, coping with conflicts and other special difficulties.
The basic concepts of this training module, in terms of quality of care, focus on:
- Understand the importance of attention to citizenship.
- Update the knowledge required in the citizen service activity.
- Know the rights of citizenship.
- Publicize the services offered by the Citizen Assistance Service of the
Public Administration of the Region of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura