Alfonso has stated that the city council has a moral obligation to collaborate with those affected by the cold drop with a 95% bonus from the ICIO, and requires that the session require the government of Spain to guarantee freedom and the right that assists parents , so that your children receive training that is in accordance with their own moral convictions.
The president and the municipal spokesman of the Popular Party of Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, presented this morning to the media at a press conference the two motions that they have raised to full for the next Ordinary Plenary of the month of November.
The first one requires the imminent 95% bonus of the Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works (ICIO) for works carried out in order to repair the damages caused by extreme weather conditions, such as the DANA or "Cold Drop" of the last September.
The mayor said that "the Local Administration as an entity closest to the citizen and within its limited possibilities, has the moral obligation to collaborate with those affected to return to normal as soon as possible. It is not permissible for the City Council to shine with the ICIO to be paid by neighbors who have to undertake reforms to recover the habitability of their homes. "
In turn, the spokesman of the popular has said that "it is the job of all political groups of the City of Molina de Segura to ensure the welfare of citizens and protect them when disasters like DANA happen, so it is vital that among all let's make the maximum effort so that the affected families recover their normality as soon as possible, because today the great majority of those affected still cannot do so. "
The second motion presented by the popular seeks that the session be pronounced on the statements of the Minister of the PSOE in functions of Education and Vocational Training, Isabel Celáa, which has generated an alarm in families and schools after stating that "of any It can be said that the right of fathers and mothers to choose a religious education or to choose an educational center could be part of the freedom of education. "
José Ángel Alfonso, has replied to the socialist minister affirming that "the right to freedom of choice of center is recognized literally in the Spanish Constitution" and that they are looking for with their proposal "that the Molinense corporation requires the Government of Spain to guarantee freedom of teaching and the right that assists parents so that their children receive religious and moral formation, that is in accordance with their own moral convictions as well as the free choice of center, and the retraction of the manifestations of Celáa. "
This motion follows the line of the PP of the Region of Murcia, which is head of Education in the regional government Esperanza Moreno, who defended last Monday that "the PP in the Region of Murcia will continue to work for quality education" where Public and concerted education can be freely chosen by families.
In this regard, the 'popular' recalled that "more than 95 percent of Murcia families have obtained a place in the educational center they wanted for their children, so defending the model of educational freedom is an obligation."
Source: PP Molina de Segura