Every day the complaints from different sectors and neighbors of different areas of the municipality are increasing, which are affected by the intake of alcoholic beverages in streets, squares and areas of common enjoyment, generating high intensity noise and dirt of different types such as glasses, bags, urine, vomiting, etc ...
Those affected request that measures be taken to solve once and for all these behaviors that are practiced indiscriminately in public spaces, which generate a damage to the peaceful coexistence, being severely affected the right to rest, and therefore to health, as well as the free movement of people in these spaces.
The City Council is responsible, in its role as a police officer, to avoid these uncivil behaviors, through adequate regulation.
Therefore, the municipal group VOX, in Molina de Segura, will present a motion on November 25 to urge the municipal government to prepare a Regulatory Ordinance on Alcohol Intake in Public Spaces.
Source: Vox Molina de Segura