The popular denounce the rise of three taxes: IBI, IVTM and the IAE that will mean that 800,000 € per year cease to be in the pockets of citizens and businessmen to move on to fatten the municipal coffers.
José Ángel Alfonso, spokesman for the Municipal Municipal Group, has confirmed that they have also submitted allegations to suppress the tax increase, because it implies a loss of purchasing power for Molinenses and loss of competitiveness for the business fabric.
November 7.
The Popular Party of Molina de Segura will submit claims to the PSOE and Podemos Government Team, to avoid a tax increase in the municipality of IBI (Property Tax), IVTM (Tax on Vehicles of Mechanical Traction) and IAE (Tax on Economic Activities).
José Ángel Alfonso, spokesman for the popular, said today at a press conference at the headquarters of the formation, that this rise is not a surprise because "the voracity of leftwing governments is common, and the same thing happens to national level with the tax increases proposed by Pedro Sánchez "and that" the Popular Party has always defended that the criterion of fiscal policy is that the money where it is best is in the pocket of citizens, sustaining the Welfare State does not require spend more but know how to manage. "
The popular has listed the taxes that would be affected by this fiscal increase that the Socialists want to implement in Molina de Segura: with an increase of € 671,952 in the IBI, € 68,029 in the IVTM and € 53,530 in the IAE, which makes a total of almost € 800,000 per year plus taxes, only with the modification of these three municipal ordinances.
This amount has been highlighted by Alfonso as an increase in the tax burden that represents "€ 800,000 of loss of purchasing power for families and entrepreneurs of Molina de Segura" and "a loss of competitiveness for the business sector, in addition to a penalty for job creation, when all analysts agree that a new economic crisis is coming. "
Alfonso has concluded by stating that "we hope that the coalition government of PSOE and Podemos in Molina de Segura rectify and heed our allegations to immediately suppress this tax increase" and has asked for the vote for Pablo Casado holding that "he is the only candidate that proposes a fiscal revolution for economic growth and competitiveness with tax cuts, bonuses and deductions that are beneficial to citizens, compared to the confiscatory model of Pedro Sánchez that aims to suffocate Spaniards and businessmen to taxes. "
Source: PP Molina de Segura