The project, called Cities4CRS, will develop comprehensive municipal strategies to foster and stimulate corporate responsibility in the Fatima neighborhood and its surroundings
The City of Molina de Segura is one of the municipalities participating in the European project URBACT III CITIES4CSR, Comprehensive municipal strategies to promote and stimulate corporate responsibility in urban areas.
On Wednesday, October 30, the local URBACT group was established in the auditorium of the CEIP Ntra. Mrs. de Fatima.
This meeting was attended by the Second Deputy Mayor of the Molinense City Council, Fuensanta Martínez Jiménez, the Councilor for Urban Planning, Julia Fernández Castro, the Councilor for Labor and Mobility Training and Insertion Policies, Eliseo García Cantó, various municipal technicians, and representatives of the Neighborhood Association of the Fatima Neighborhood and the local companies Servitir, Azor Ambiental SA, Aluminios Romero, SportBike, the neighborhood pharmacy and Yagües Troquelajes.
This project aims to intervene in the different urban and social challenges of the Fatima District and its surroundings, through an innovative Action Plan, based on the creation of synergies and channels of joint action between the different agents involved.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura