The presentation of the collaboration agreement between the City of Molina de Segura and the Irritant Inheritance of Molina de Segura took place today, Thursday, October 31, at the Molinense town hall.
The press conference was attended by the Second Deputy Mayor of Molina de Segura, Fuensanta Martínez Jiménez, the President of the Irrigation Inheritance, Juan José Bernal Meseguer, and the Councilor for Agriculture, Mariano Vicente Albaladejo.
The purpose of this agreement, whose term of validity is four years, is to establish the collaboration between both entities, leading to greater administrative efficiency in terms of modernization, maintenance, conservation and improvement of the channels that constitute the existing irrigation and drainage networks in Molina de Segura, and, where appropriate, the projects and works of integration in municipal actions, establishing forms of collaboration that, given the nature of these works, find an effective basis in article 269 of the Law of Territorial and Urban Planning of the Region of Murcia, notwithstanding that in the future the scope of application agreed may be extended, if necessary.
In the event that the improvement, maintenance, conditioning and exploitation works of the traditional irrigation are contemplated in the Hydrological Plan of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation, and will be executed by the Irrigation Inheritance with the requirements and conditions established by the Article 127 of the Water Law (Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001, of July 20), are not subject to municipal license, however, must first inform the City Council of them, without prejudice to the issuance of the report on urban aspects within a month by the local entity.
The rest of the works to be carried out by the Irrigation Inheritance not included in the previous section will follow the authorization regime established in local and urban legislation, as well as in the Inheritance ordinances.
In addition, if said works establish, in fact or in law, easements on properties of the City of Molina de Segura or the Irrigation Inheritance, the prior authorization of the holder of the party on which the easement is constituted will be mandatory.
The irrigable area of ​​the Irrigation Inheritance comprises, according to article 1 of its Ordinance, lands located in the municipalities of Archena, Lorquí, Molina de Segura and Murcia.
Without prejudice to the supramunicipal character of the Inheritance, this agreement will only be applicable to the land and facilities located in the territory of the municipality of Molina de Segura.
The actions included in the agreement affect:
Rainwater collection.
The urban area of ​​Molina de Segura is delimited by the layout of the N-301A-Avenida de la Industria, so the contributions of surface runoff water from it come to this area in north-south layout, and in its route originates flow concentration problems.
The municipal rainwater collection infrastructures consist of small general collectors that end up connecting with the Subirana ditch, which crosses the urban area from west to east, and with the main ditch, both leading rainwater to the Segura River.
With the occasion of torrential rains a greater contribution of rainwater to the ditches is generated, causing blockages and accumulation of sludge and stones, as well as recurrent flooding of the lower areas of the urban area.
The City Council, knowing that it is the function of the Inheritance to keep the ditches they own in good cleanliness, has confirmed that it is necessary to use the Irrigation Inheritance facilities to drain rainwater from the town center into the river ;
For this reason, it will collaborate with them in cleaning the channels of the Subirana Acequia and the Acequia Mayor to improve the flow of water avoiding possible blockages.
Gate motorization.
Along with the cleaning of the channels of the ditches it is necessary to avoid accumulation of flows that can cause flooding.
The ditches have evacuation gates installed in the channel of the same, which remain closed and that are opened manually due to increased flows during the rainy episodes.
The change from manual opening to mechanical opening would imply an improvement in the operation of the floodgates and, therefore, in preventing water accumulation, since through the remote control it will be possible to quickly open the floodgates when the circumstances require it.
The motorization of the floodgates will be carried out by the Irrigation Inheritance and the City Council will collaborate in the part agreed upon by means of an economic contribution or subsidy.
Water analytics
At present, the City Council and the Irrigation Inheritance of Molina de Segura have both reclaimed water concessions from the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of Molina de Segura.
Both share infrastructures for their transport and distribution and require, periodically, the performance of analyzes to guarantee the hygienic-sanitary conditions necessary for their use in agricultural irrigation, so a single head analysis would be sufficient to check those conditions in the Two concessions
The Irrigation Inheritance currently collaborates with the City Council in the supply of water for the irrigation of municipal parks and gardens and, therefore, the City Council undertakes to carry out the water, common to both concessions, the periodic analyzes necessary to maintain the standard quality stipulated in the applicable standards.
Collaborative actions between the City Council and the Irritant Inheritance of Molina de Segura.
Together with the specific actions contemplated in the previous sections, the City Council may collaborate with the Inheritance in the establishment of services and improvements that are proposed through the Department of Public Road.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura