The popular request: urge the Government of Spain to process a law against illegal Okupation;
more action powers for local entities in order to address this problem as soon as possible;
an office for the defense of the rights of neighbors affected by the occupation;
the strengthening of the police presence in the affected areas;
the urgent call of the Local Security Board and more agility in the notification of illegal electric hooks.
They have also fully raised a Permanent Plan against Mosquito Pests in Molina de Segura.
This morning, the spokesman of the Municipal People's Group, José Ángel Alfonso, announced in a press conference the motions that the Popular Party has presented for its study, debate and approval to the Ordinary Plenary of October, which will be held next Monday day 28
José Ángel Alfonso reports, "We present two motions that respond to very important problems for the residents of Molina de Segura, who have been demanding solutions from the municipal government for months without obtaining any response and that require an urgent solution."
The first one is related to the fight against mosquito pests in Molina de Segura.
"In recent weeks we are suffering from a very important proliferation of mosquitoes, which requires a Permanent Plan in the fight against a diptera that we frequently suffer in our city. Therefore, in our motion we propose measures such as: strengthening coordination between administrations and the increase in investment, as well as the creation of a web space dedicated exclusively to the fight against mosquitoes, the empowerment of communication channels to denounce possible outbreaks by citizens or the use of drones for fumigation, "he said. The popular spokesman.
The measures against squatting are the protagonists of the second initiative on which Alfonso has affirmed that "Last Wednesday we held a meeting with neighbors affected by this problem, and they informed us of their concern both for the problems of coexistence, as for the lack of solutions by Esther Clavero and his government team, which promised them a solution in an election campaign that has not yet arrived. We, the Popular Party, committed ourselves with them to elevate to full solutions and we have done so. "
The popular spokesman has detailed that the motion contains 8 urgent agreements that include "the requirement to the Government of Spain to process a Law against Okupation and more powers to local entities to act, the elaboration of a census of squatted homes, the reinforcement of the police presence and prevention in the affected areas, the urgent call of the Local Security Board, the execution of measures in those buildings that breaches the General Health Ordinance and the notification in 24 hours of illegal hooks to the Street lighting".
"You cannot allow both neighborhood coexistence and public health to be endangered by the lack of courage on the part of the government of the PSOE-Podemos of Esther Clavero, when taking appropriate measures and responding to families that are in a critical situation and of necessity "has concluded José Ángel Alfonso.
Source: PP Molina de Segura