The City of Molina de Segura, through the Department of Gender Equality and Violence, has designed and prepared activities aimed at students, mothers and fathers to improve the good emotional and social treatment, which are developed in the children's schools of the municipality, through storytelling and training sessions, during the months of October and November.
As explained by the Councilor for Gender Equality and Violence, Montserrat Montanos Villegas, "it is the second time we have approached and facilitated awareness against gender violence to all students and families interested in their educational environment.
The activities have been directed to the eleven children's schools in the municipality, ten of them interested in participating in the storytelling. We improve the good emotional and social treatment (Santa Helena, Consolación, CAI CAI Altorreal, Cañada de las Eras, El Limonar, San Antonio, Our Lady of the Assumption, El Llano, Immaculate and Altorreal) and two (CAI La Alcayna and CAI Altorreal) in the training sessions How to improve good emotional treatment from the family for mothers and fathers.
An information leaflet has been prepared and distributed from nursery schools to families.
The people who teach each activity, storyteller and psychologist, have a professional career backed by a gender perspective.
The objectives of these activities are:
Help families improve their knowledge of their emotions.
Develop emotional awareness.
Improve the ability to control emotions.
Promote a positive attitude in family life.
"We seek that in nursery schools we can analyze the importance of emotions and good treatment, since when emotions come out and do not harm, the person learns to be able to live and enjoy with family," says Montserrat Montanos, who adds that " Gender stereotypes are acquired by girls and boys before the age of five, which is why we consider very important an action of prevention and awareness to develop freedom and good treatment from an early age. We propose this theme, aimed at both students as to the family, to facilitate an egalitarian perspective, from the prevention of gender violence, since people who do not control their emotions, such as rage, in moments of coexistence can have negative behaviors It is important to understand the six basic emotions : anger, fear, disgust, joy, surprise and sadness; you have to learn to take them out without harming anyone or anything.
Emotional is learned.
Tantrums appear after two and a half years and adults have to learn to help children name and limit and find solutions. "
Ten storytelling sessions We improve good emotional and social treatment and two training sessions How to improve good emotional treatment from the family:
Storytelling days and hours: from Monday 4 to Friday 15 November, at 10 am
- Saint Helena: November 4.
- Consolation: November 5.
- Los Olivos: November 6.
- CAI Altorreal: November 7.
- Cañada de las Eras: November 8.
- El Limonar: November 11.
- San Antonio: November 12.
- Our Lady of the Assumption: November 13.
- El Llano: November 14.
- Immaculate: November 15.
Days and Hours training session: Tuesday October 15 (CAI La ALcayna) and Tuesday October 22 (EI Altorreal), at 3.30 pm
The evaluation of the activity by the teaching staff is also planned, through a questionnaire designed for this purpose.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura