The Rural Women for Culture and Tradition project is held in Molina de Segura from October 7 to 12, promoted by the Department of Gender Equality and Violence of the City of Molina de Segura, and co-financed by the European Social Fund, with Funds Feder, through the Women's Institute and for Equal Opportunities and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.
The Department of Gender Equality and Violence has accepted the call for assistance for actions, to be developed by Local Governments, associated with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, aimed at facilitating the implementation of actions to promote the transversality of gender in the planning and development of local policies, with special emphasis on those that favor female leadership, the creation, reinforcement and development of municipal equality units and structures, the empowerment of women at the local level and the implementation and / or development of equality plans at the municipal level.
Within the municipality of Molina de Segura there is a population of 35,572 women, of which 13,087 are rural.
Due to the formation of the municipality, the districts have dispersed over an area of ​​162 km.
Bringing culture closer to rural women is an action contemplated in the IV Plan for Equal Opportunities Between Women and Men of the City of Molina de Segura, and the development of this project is part of that plan.
Rural Women for Culture and Tradition consists of four activities: a field work, several workshops, a conference and a concert:
Fieldwork is called MEMORY CONTAINER.
It consists of four sessions.
The objective is the testimonial recovery through audios, stories, etc.
of traditional education.
The sessions will be recorded in audios, to preserve the conversations, and, perhaps in the future, lead to a more ambitious publication.
It will take place in:
Social Center of La Ribera, covering the districts La Ribera, La Torrealta and El Llano.
First session: 10/7/2019, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Second session: 10/8/2019, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Los Valientes Social Center, including the Los Valientes, El Romeral, La Hornera and El Fenazar, La Albarda, Comala, La Espada and La Hurona, El Rellano, Campotéjar Alta and Campotéjar Baja districts.
First session: 07/10/2019, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Second session: 10/8/2019, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
TRADITIONAL CANTE WORKSHOPS from the vision of the role of women as a transmitter of culture.
This dynamic will introduce the people participating in the traditional songs (malagueñas, parrandas and jotas), thus approaching the musical memory and heritage heritage of the songbook of our land.
The knowledge acquired in these workshops will be developed in the concert of WOMEN WITH ROOT, which will close the activities.
The workshops will be held in:
Social Center of La Ribera, covering the districts La Ribera, La Torrealta and El Llano: 09/10/2019, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Los Valientes Social Center, including the Los Valientes, El Romeral, La Hornera and El Fenazar, La Albarda, Comala, La Espada and La Hurona, El Rellano, Campotéjar Alta and Campotéjar Baja districts: 09/10/2019, from 7:00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
The conference-concert YOU WANT AND LEAVE.
Here the role of women in tradition will be visible, and its projection today.
This paper will introduce us to a deep reflection on the way in which tradition has had to generate, maintain and modify the image of women;
especially from the vision of scholars (men) of the nineteenth century.
For the project, several traditional Murcian songbooks (Díaz Cassou, Martínez Tornel and Alberto Sevilla) have been analyzed and new musical funds have been investigated, such as the Fontanals, under the CSIC, which mainly includes repertoires from the 30s, 40s and 50, where Murcia's compositions appear among the thousands of couplets in hundreds of places in our country.
From the songbooks those couplets and pieces have been extracted that, once classified from a gender perspective, bring us closer to a vision of the mentality that generated them and their connection with older and lyrical epochs of written transmission literature.
In the presentation-concert, from each reflection on the role of women in each of its different aspects (the vain and superficial; the one that has flaws, the liar, the false and treacherous; the one that has no honor; the virtuous The good mother or bad mother-in-law, ...) each of the examples is musicalized with the scores and songs collected in the investigation.
In this way, romances, malagueñas, jacks, songs of song, etc. will be heard.
Clara Alarcón has been in charge of the investigation and on the stage will document what was found.
The music is provided by the voice of Carmen Mª Martínez Salazar and the guitar of Juan José Robles.
It is held in:
Social Center of El Llano, including the districts La Ribera, La Torrealta and El Llano, Los Valientes, El Romeral, La Hornera and El Fenazar, La Albarda, Comala, La Espada and La Hurona, El Rellano, Campotéjar Alta and Campotéjar Baja: 10/10/2019, at 6:00 p.m.
The concert of the musical group MUJERES CON ROÃZ is a tribute to all those women who, from the invisibility imposed, have struggled to get here, and from here to advance until there is no need to talk about inequality, because that day is there, waiting.
The musical group Women with Root is a group of traditional Murcian music that was born at the end of 2014 to pay a well-deserved tribute to the traditional voice of Murcian women, who owns much of the oral heritage of the peninsular southeast.
Voices that most of the time were relegated to the domestic sphere through lullaby songs, or also to intimate and family prayers;
but that they also worked, like men, and then threw their mowing and threshing songs into the wind;
or they asked for water from heaven;
or they celebrated with malagueñas, jotas or seguidillas, ... women who musicalized all ages of life.
It is held at the Villa de Molina Theater, on 10/12/2019, at 9:00 p.m.
All the activities of the Rural Women for Culture and Tradition project are aimed primarily at citizens residing in the Molina de Segura districts.
Participation registrations are addressed through the representatives of the municipalities in districts, to the Department of Gender Equality and Violence (in Calle Mayor, No. 81, 4th floor), and through the mail
The Quereres y Dejenes conference at the El Llano Social Center has free assistance until capacity is reached.
The Women with Root concert is by invitation at the Department of Equality until full capacity is reached.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura