The Department of Social Welfare of the City of Molina de Segura, through its Senior Unit, has organized the IV Major Major Days, which will be held from October 1 to 11, 2019, aimed at the entire population of the municipality over 60 years.
The program was presented at a press conference on Friday, September 27, by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, the Councilor for Social Welfare, Ángel Navarro García, and the head of the Senior Unit, Manuela Zamora Baños.
The Network of Senior Centers of Molina de Segura, 18 currently, through the Senior Unit of the Department of Social Welfare and the Association for Active and Healthy Aging, is the space to encourage participation, meeting and integration of the group of elders of Molina de Segura, which reaches the figure of 8,702 over 65 years, which are 12.3% of the total population of the municipality.
These centers are located almost entirely in the social centers of the neighborhood and these days are intended to make this group of elderly visible through a series of activities, concentrated between October 1, International Day of the Elderly, and Friday, October 11.
To this end, some of these activities will be carried out in the street and squares of the center of the municipality.
"The leisure of our elders matters to us and with these Days we intend that, in addition to being an exhibition of the activities carried out by the Centers for the Elderly, they are a space where the elders show their vital project and enjoy," explains Ángel Navarrese.
Leisure plays a very important role in the lives of the elderly;
Having time and being able to experience leisure are conditions that define "the good life".
Leisure promotes autonomy, promotes integration, improves creative and communicative abilities, ultimately contributing to the personal fulfillment of the elderly.
The exploration and study of the aging process allow us to understand old age as another stage of life and in the process there are many attitudes but also actions that are promoted from society for active aging;
and these days are meant to be an example of that.
"We program from the Department activities for the elderly to channel their action, cultivating skills that allow the elderly to use leisure time in a satisfactory way," says Navarro.
The main objective of these days is to improve the quality of life of the elderly through a series of activities that promote active and healthy aging, as a way of preventing and maintaining their physical, psychological and social capacities.
Place: Plaza de España
09:30 h .: opening of the conference.
09.40 h .: Tai Chi exhibition.
10.15 h .: Bando Panocho, by Antonio López Vidal, El Moreno.
10.30 am: Workshop Keys to save lives: first aid, given by Emergency Global System.
10.30 h .: tasting of fritters and chocolate cake, in charge of the associations of elders of San Roque, Fátima and El Fenazar.
10.30 h .: intergenerational petanque, bowling and caliche workshop, taught by the Association of Seniors of San Miguel.
CEIP Gregorio Miñano participates.
11.00 h .: gerontogimnasia exhibition.
Dance YE-YE.
11.30: Intergenerational workshop of traditional sweets, taught by the Association of Elderly of La Ribera de Molina.
Participates Colegio Infantil Education of Paseo Rosales.
11.30 h .: visit of authorities to the associations of elders in the Plaza de España on the occasion of the International Day of the Elderly.
Sample and exhibition of the activities carried out throughout the year in the senior centers.
12.00 h .: active and healthy aging talk, by Mario Soler Torroja, doctor of the Jesús Marín Health Center.
12.30 h .: lunch of coexistence between the associations of the elderly of Molina de Segura with the activity jubiocio Live music.
The whole morning will be enlivened with different musical groups from Las Balsas Center.
FRIDAY, October 4
18.30 h .: zarzuela and Spanish couplets.
Place: Tomás Fernández Gil Municipal Auditorium.
Free entrance.
MONDAY, October 7
We visit the city of Lorca, In Lorca we embroider it.
Departure: 09:30 h.
// Return: 6:00 p.m.
Information and registration in each Senior Center.
10.00 h .: 6 km route along the Greenway and Green Corridor.
Departure from the Plaza de España.
Invitation to the Seniors Hiking Clubs of Molina de Segura.
Delivery of bag-backpack with picnic.
Information and registration in each Senior Center.
Friday, October 11th
18.00 h .: Closing of the conference with the tribute to the elders who have completed 100 years during 2019. Recognition to the elders who have stood out in different fields: culture and art, the healthiest major, and the greatest solidarity.
Performance of the great ventriloquist and humorist Lolita Torres and her dolls.
Place: Villa de Molina Theater.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura