The Director-Manager of the Molina Hospital, Pedro Hernández Jiménez, has been re-elected President of the Murcian Union of Hospitals and Clinics (UMHC), after the elections held this morning at the headquarters of CROEM.
Ahead, four years marked by the objectives in which Hernández Jiménez is already working: that the UMHC centers be considered as public use health centers;
increase in rates in referrals of patients to the UMHC centers, after decreases in the last ten years;
and that payments are made according to current legislation and, therefore, without delay.
The president of the UMHC recalls that "the health centers of the UMHC are employment generating companies, and we want to continue to be so, despite the decrease in rates and the number of referrals suffered in recent years. We continue to work for and for the citizens of the Region of Murcia, helping to prevent, care and promote your health. "
Pedro Hernández Jiménez has held the presidency of the regional private healthcare employer since 2015. Since then, the number of associates to the organization has increased from 31 to one hundred;
public-private collaboration has increased among professionals in the sector;
alliances have been established with institutional, business, teaching and professional associations;
and there is a fluidity in relations with the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia, the Management of the Murcia Health Service (SMS) and insurance companies.
The Murcian Union of Hospitals and Clinics that this year celebrates its 40th anniversary - is a non-profit organization that currently has approximately 100 partner centers.
Defend and represent the group of hospitals and private clinics in the Region of Murcia, acting as an interlocutor of the administration and promoting private and concerted healthcare at the highest level.
Pedro Hernández Jiménez: his career
Pedro Hernández Jiménez, doctor (UMU) and Master in Management of Socio-Sanitary Services (UCAM), currently directs, and since 2011, the Hospital de Molina (Molina de Segura, Murcia).
His professional career goes through the Medical Department of Sanitas in Murcia and Levante (1993-2001) and through the Management of the San Carlos Hospital in Murcia (2002-2010).
He is also currently the Trustee of the Medical Studies Foundation (FEM) of Molina de Segura, a member of the Municipal Health Council (Molina de Segura City Council) and a member of the Regional Health Council of the Region of Murcia.
Since 2015, he is the President of the Murcian Union of Hospitals and Clinics (UMHC) - whose Board he has been part of since 2002 - and a member of the Board of Directors of the Employer of Private Health at the national level (ASPE).
Member of the Board of Directors of CROEM since 2015, and member of the Executive Committee of CROEM, since 2018.
And Director of the Research Chair Hospital de Molina of the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM).
Source: Hospital de Molina