The regional deputy, María Giménez, has affirmed that the words heard last Friday in the proclamation of this town "are a shame and deserve the condemnation of all Murcian society. A city like Molina does not deserve to have a xenophobic and racist proclamation which does not represent our Region in any way. "
Giménez has assured that a public statement, like a proclamation, cannot "incite hatred and xenophobia. A very sensitive issue has been used and even more so when we see that the working conditions of immigrants in the Murcian countryside are in many irregular cases and violate labor and human rights. "
Instead of using a public speaker, said the deputy of Podemos, "to appeal to racism and intolerance, what society should demand is that people who come to our country, in unfortunate conditions, can live with dignity".
For his part, Mariano Vicente, councilor of Podemos Equo in Molina de Segura, who was the first to denounce the content of the proclamation, has indicated that he will propose to the rest of the councilors an institutional declaration of rejection of racist contents and hopes that there is no no doubt or fissure when backing it up. "
The councilor of Podemos Equo has stressed that the proclamation should have been "a call to party and coexistence and not a contempt and accusation to immigrants, a discourse that generates hate and protects abuses. These statements do not represent people of Molina or the Region and its people. Our community is a land of welcome and solidarity because it has also been and is of emigrants. "
Source: Podemos Región de Murcia