In the light of the news of the proclamation of the Molina de Segura Festival of this year 2019, the Molino PSO ensures that neither endorses nor supports any type of xenophobic and / or racist manifestation in any of its forms.
He also considers it regrettable that political formations have echoed to take advantage of this situation and make xenophobic proclamations of such a deep disgusting draft.
The Mayor, councilors and socialist councilors frontally reject any manifestation of a xenophobic or racist nature and feel astonished by the statements issued by the pregonero in this regard because they do not agree with a vital journey that could foresee them.
They share the indignation that these words have been able to cause in the citizenship and from the Molina de Segura PSOE "we strongly condemn them and, without a doubt, as a political organization we face all kinds of expressions, whatever their form, of intolerance, hatred or rejection of any group of people by reason of origin.As can be seen, we socialists work for an inclusive society and for integration in all areas, fostering respect for diversity and plurality, precisely as pillar of social and cultural enrichment ".
The choice of the preacher of the Patron Saint Festivities is made taking into account the relevance that a person acquires in the municipality, either for his personal or professional career and is a way of carrying out a recognition, which this occasion has sadly led to some manifestations that we certainly do not share.
On this occasion he has been motivated by his career as a farmer, defender of this sector in the Region of Murcia and his fight against the policies that for years have caused him to be undermined by other types of economic activities.
The Municipal Government proposes citizens or citizens, but under no circumstances does it carry out any type of prior supervision or censorship, in favor of freedom of expression.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura