The Department of Sports and Health of the City of Molina de Segura has launched, for the thirteenth consecutive year, the Healthy Menus program, which is implemented in schools in the municipality, in order to prevent childhood and youth obesity, circumstance that the World Health Organization has listed as the main disease of the 21st century.
In this epidemiological context of the increase in childhood obesity, in 2007 the Program for the Prevention of Childhood and Youth Obesity was launched in the municipality of Molina de Segura, which emerged at the request of the Department of Health, forming a group of interdisciplinary work composed of a total of 13 professionals.
In the current program, students from 1 to 18 years old are included in 33 school canteens of the 35 existing in the municipality.
All public and private centers are included in the program, with the exception of 2 agreements.
Among the improvements that have been included in this 2019-2020 course, is the design of summer menus, including dinners, in the nursery schools of La Consolación, La Immaculada, Cañada de las Eras, La Asunción, El Llano, Santa Helena and San Jorge, and the schools of La Purísima, San Jorge and Vicente Medina.
This course is also included in the nutritional assessment data sheets of the menu of each school, which are posted on the municipal website, a very valuable additional information for fathers and mothers of children and young people who have food allergies and intolerances, such as They are mandatory declaration allergens according to current regulations.
And finally, the result of the analysis of the changes that have taken place in the menu of the different schools attached to the program, it follows that they improve, due to the wide variety of vegetables included in stews, improvements in salads or simply personalization of them, due to food allergies or other reasoned issues.
From Friday, August 30, they will be available to the more than 4,000 children and their parents, on the website of the City of Molina de Segura ( for download, the menus of the 33 educational centers that They are part of the program, as well as the technical sheets of all the dishes with their nutritional assessment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura