The signing ceremony of the nominative grant agreement of the City of Molina de Segura to the Murcian Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation took place today Friday, July 26, at the Molinense session.
The Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the President of the Murcia Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Luis Pelegrín Calero, and the Councilor for Labor Training and Insertion Policies, Eliseo García Cantó attended.
The purpose of this agreement is to grant a nominative grant from the City of Molina de Segura, for an amount of 83,000 euros, to the Murcian Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation so that it develops activities of socio-labor insertion of drug addicts with associated psychiatric pathology and chronic mentally ill patients .
On December 27, 2018, the Murcia Health Service and the City of Molina de Segura signed the extension of the collaboration agreement to develop socio-labor insertion actions with mentally ill and drug addicts with associated psychiatric pathology, in whose second clause the City of Molina de Segura committed to "financially support non-profit organizations that carry out rehabilitation and socio-labor insertion actions of people with mental illness and / or drug dependence in the process of recovery in the municipality."
To fulfill this commitment, the City of Molina de Segura formalizes the economic support to the Murcian Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, by signing this agreement.
The activities developed by the association include specific actions that allow the development of the extended agreement between the City of Molina de Segura and the Murcia Health Service: the development of the activities of insertion programs, the labor promotion of patients of Molina de Segura through the support to the insertion companies and the employment of said group, the realization of pre-work workshops, the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills that allow people with chronic mental illness and former drug addicts to advance in their psychosocial rehabilitation process, culminating in the search and access to a job, training to acquire the necessary habits for the development of a job, accompanying actions, training and professional guidance, approach of people with mental health problems to the labor market, acquisition of skills, obligations and routines basic in any job
All activities aimed at taking another step in the personal and social rehabilitation of each worker and in their labor insertion.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura