The Municipal Group of the Popular Party of Molina de Segura has presented, for its debate in the Ordinary Plenary session of July 24, three motions urging the PSOE-PODEMOS Municipal Government to recognize the work of the Festival Directors of Molina Theater to perform an institutional act of recognition to Moline athletes in the discipline of motorbikes (Juan José Romero Verdú, Samuel Pujante Ortiz and Rubén Jiménez Riquelme) and to develop a Solar Cleaning Plan for Municipal Competition of Private Property.
The popular spokesman, José Ángel Alfonso, wanted to highlight the essential recognition of the great work carried out by all the directors of the Molina de Segura Theater Festival on its 50th anniversary.
Festival that was born in 1970 at the initiative of the Molina Experimental Theater Group, which brought together a group of very enthusiastic young people led by D. José A. Arnaldos and later followed by D. Ginés Bayotas (who currently directs the Guerra de Lorca Theater), Mr. Isidro Martínez, Mr. José Esteban, Ms. Vicenta Hellín, Mr. José Antonio García (who would remain in charge until 2015) and Mr. José Antonio Avilés (who has assumed this responsibility in the last three years).
Alfonso also wanted to highlight the commitment of the popular people of Molina de Segura with the Molinense sport and that is why they want to "recognize the trajectory of three young athletes in the world of motor racing, who despite their youth have managed to position themselves as reference athletes in your discipline. "
Juan José Romero Verdú explained that "he has more than 10 years of experience, and several participations in the Spanish and European Championships, in which he has achieved successes such as being Runner-up in the 2016 Andalusian Motonautics Championship, Runner-up of the Cup Iberian in 2017 and Champion of Spain of Andalusia, of the I Rallyjet Villa de Gijón and of the Copa del Rey in 2018, "by Samuel Pujante Ortiz who" in 2017 debuted in the Championship of Spain where he played all the tests and managed to be Champion of category in its promotion, Rallyjet Runner-up, 3rd place in the European Championship in Portinao and Runner-up of Andalusia and Spain in 2018 "and, finally, of Rubén Jiménez Riquelme that" is the young promise of the group and that last year participated in the Copa del Rey and is a federated rider supporting the Royal Spanish Federation of Motonautics. "
The last motion presented by the popular is about the need to create a Solar Cleaning Plan for Municipal Competition and Private Property in Molina de Segura.
The popular spokesman has affirmed that the creation of this plan is "essential since many lots of municipal competition, also privately owned, are in a state of abandonment and considerable neglect, with much accumulation of dry weeds that could result in fires or the appearance of plagues "and has mentioned as the most affected areas by this fact to the Field of Molina, Ribera de Molina, Torrealta, El Chorrico, Los Olivos, La Alcayna and Altorreal.
In addition, Alfonso recalled that recently there have been two fires, without any serious incident fortunately, which further justify the need to create such a plan.
The agreements proposed by the Popular Municipal Group regarding this last motion include "the commitment of the municipality to undertake, urgently and immediately, the cleaning of the lots that are of municipal competence", "the streamlining of procedures for subsidiary cleaning of private lots, and that they are in a state of abandonment "," the creation of a campaign of civic and periodic communication, to raise awareness about the importance of keeping private lots clean as indicated by the Municipal Ordinance "," the creation and reinforcement of the Solar Cleaning Plan with the necessary technical and human resources by the municipality, to improve the current results and will inform about the actions carried out "and ask the municipal government to" urge the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS) to to urgently clean the Ramblas and the banks of the Segura River ".
Source: PP Molina de Segura